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Six words about zombie games

(I've had some medical problems that have distracted from writing about games lately, but this should be of interest.)

According to tweetdeck, one of the trending:worldwide topics on twitter not so long ago was 6 word stories. In the past few months I've asked people to say 6 words about game design, programming, wargames, stories in games, casual games, and innovation (and plagiarism) in games.

This time the challenge is this: say six (interesting or amusing) words about zombie games.


I'll bite...

They're overdone. Time to re-theme mine.

6 words was all I needed.

The Zombie Theme is beyond dead.

"More Zombies for the

"More Zombies for the drooling masses"
and on the issue of re-theming
"Only a zombie is a zombie"
(how would you replace them? Mindless all-consuming aliens? Weaker theme than zombies IMO)

Zombie 6 words...

This is my first go at one of these:

"Need more WELL EXECUTED zombie games!"


Why not?

They're dead. But wait until they rise ...


Brains brains brains brains brains brains

UncleDragon wrote:The Zombie

UncleDragon wrote:
The Zombie Theme is beyond dead.


Zombie game's rules are known

Zombie game's rules are known already

Zombie games need to be

Zombie games need to be quick
College-age people really enjoy zombie games
Zombie games should be screwage games

The Zombie Theme is itself

The Zombie Theme is itself undead.

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blog | by Dr. Radut