(I've had some medical problems that have distracted from writing about games lately, but this should be of interest.)
According to tweetdeck, one of the trending:worldwide topics on twitter not so long ago was 6 word stories. In the past few months I've asked people to say 6 words about game design, programming, wargames, stories in games, casual games, and innovation (and plagiarism) in games.
This time the challenge is this: say six (interesting or amusing) words about zombie games.
I'll bite...
They're overdone. Time to re-theme mine.
6 words was all I needed.
The Zombie Theme is beyond dead.
"More Zombies for the
"More Zombies for the drooling masses"
and on the issue of re-theming
"Only a zombie is a zombie"
(how would you replace them? Mindless all-consuming aliens? Weaker theme than zombies IMO)
Zombie 6 words...
This is my first go at one of these:
"Need more WELL EXECUTED zombie games!"
Why not?
They're dead. But wait until they rise ...
Brains brains brains brains brains brains
UncleDragon wrote:The Zombie
Zombie game's rules are known
Zombie game's rules are known already
Zombie games need to be
Zombie games need to be quick
College-age people really enjoy zombie games
Zombie games should be screwage games
The Zombie Theme is itself
The Zombie Theme is itself undead.