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Triptych 18 Three Subjects in One Blog Post

• "What’s your most memorable board game experience?"

• Cheating (and diversity initiatives)

• "Intuitive" is a much smaller set than what people mean when they say a game is intuitive

A Lesson in Absolutes

(Originally written in January 2021)

This comes from the pandemic but can be applied to game design as well. In the pandemic the general advice from medical people is that you need to wear a suitable mask and stay at least 6 feet away from other people, and that will go a long way to keeping you safe from the coronavirus. This is where the absolutes come in. People seem to think of these as absolute limits, but they're not.

Mapemounde 2021 - My Entry

Mapemounde is a game jam for analog games, focusing on a map of some kind as a central aspect to the games made for it.

Originally, I wanted to develop a previous idea I had been inspired to create (my concept for Canavan's Back Yard I'd posted about previously), or maybe even resurrecting my older Four Corners of the Earth game concept and turning it into something workable.

Archon: Circlet of the Heavens — New Ideas

For those who do not know "Archon: Circlet of the Heavens" (ARCH) is divided into three (3) separate "components":

1> A Game Box with tokens, card sleeves and divider.

2> A couple Booster Packs with customization cards.

3> Print-aNd-Play (PNP) cards used by the game.

I wanted to discuss 2 and 3 since they are intertwined a bit. So the Boosters have card information on the "back-side". To be precise, five (5) RPS-3s (they are relatively easy to remember but...)

My Responses to questions related to a book about the game Risk (end)

In December 2012, Dave Shapiro contacted me to contribute to a book about Risk he was co-authoring.This took the form of answers to a series of questions. The book appeared recently, sans this material. This is part 5 of 5.

Somewhere down the road less travelled...

I'm just going to put this out there... As a "Software Engineer", I've been looking around at various TOOLs used by websites such as Wix, Squarespace and other more familiar webhosts known for their "Design Tools" and realize that most hosts provide the more "generic" TOOLs to their customers namely Wordpress, Joomla and co.

What is wrong with that?

Well nothing if you plan to use a Cadillac on an off-road excursion camping!

Recent free videos on my YouTube Game Design channel

Recent free videos on my YouTube Game Design channel. Mar-Apr 2021

Logistics and game design (and history)
"Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics" (Napoleon and many others). But commercial historical games rarely reflect logistics. Why and how.
Apr 15

21st century marketing: age of destinations not journeys
Another look at 21st century game marketing. It's the age of destinations, of bucket lists, not of enjoying the journey.
Apr 12

How much solo playtesting?

Crystal Heroes — Creating Perfection

Well you know you have a hard-working (and very talented) artist ... When you get an e-mail saying: "Some of my earlier works are no longer at par with my newer ones...!"

So a picture is worth a 1,000 words ... So two (2) pictures are worth more than their weight in gold.

Here are both BEFORE & AFTER illustrations:

This was one of three (3) revisions...

My responses to questions for a Risk book (part 4 of 5)

In December 2012, Dave Shapiro contacted me to contribute to a book about Risk he was co-authoring.This took the form of answers to a series of questions. The book appeared recently, sans this material. This is part 4.

Responses to Dave Shapiro's questions for a Risk book, part 3

In December 2012, Dave Shapiro contacted me to contribute to a book about Risk he was co-authoring.This took the form of answers to a series of questions. The book appeared recently, sans this material. This is part 3.

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by Dr. Radut