Somehow security was exploited on the BGDF, specifically within the Protoparts catalog site. I removed the trojan, but I'm worried how it got there. Someone was able to place files within our file structure which leads me to believe that they managed to get FTP access. For that reason, I had to change the CPanel / Main FTP access password. If you need this password, e-mail it to me so I can get it to you.
Also, I posted about this last night in this very thread, and my post is missing.
I sense trouble. Let's see if this one stays.
Yeah we were hacked. The hackers deleted all of the news articles. Bastards. I am REALLY getting tired of this, especially when I'm trying to focus my work on the wiki. Both yours and my passwords were hacked. I'm going to reset your admin password to match your user password. By the time you read this it should be done.