In an effort to motivate my lazy @$$, I think we should start discussing more wiki related tasks.
I think we need a *new* approach, we should start by getting the very basics up and running. The basics that are needed by the members to maintain the same level of functionality as we have today on this board.
So to me this means, I NEEEEEEED to get a good chat program working on the wiki. Besides that I see just some other minor clean up which included items like admin private posts information, which currently the lastest forums posts modules displays to all users, even though members will not be allowed to view the actual post. It also means some basic image/graphics changes to make it *BGDF* look and feel.
Besides that we need content, but I think content can be done after the move to the wiki. And may we can set up a schedule for what content should be populated and work on one at a time.
I think if we where using the new wiki site, it would promote eveyone on working in it!