This guy's post may be a shill for the company, so keep an eye out.
I guess I'm especially sensitive, as we had a news item submitted a few days ago (which I deleted) claiming to be a mother of three who thinks a particular game her son plays is unacceptable (the Who's Your Momma or whatever game where you play cards that insult the other guy's mother, by the Wayans brothers). It looked like a total shill ("Come check out the game at www..."), so my shilldar may be extra sensitive.
I also added a warning to the guy's post, since the site is very offensive to many and definitely NSFW.
-- Matthew, who's going to sleep before he does any more damage.
Wow, neat, nice threat, that.
So what to do about "Goldar"?
And for that matter, why doesn't IP banning work? Useless feature, that, if it doesn't actually prevent anything.