i was having a little bit of difficulty finding a forum to post this in, so i guess i'll post it here.
i'm about 75% done with an american football boardgame-- i'm in the playtesting phase of the third complete version in as many years.
basically, it's designed to incorporate team and player creation, customization and development, and play-calling decisions that are similar to the "real" game-- all while becoming the easiest (and the most fun) football boardgame available to play.
play resolution depends on three factors: team skill, the play call and a 1d6 roll. (i'm not great at math, so i don't have the patience to add up large amounts of numbers-- i want my game to remain quick and simple, and be focused on the decision-making and fun.)
i've done some research on boardgamegeek to read up on the football games already available. every significant game i came across relied on large amounts of calculation and chart-referencing. while my mechanic doesn't stray from that formula, i believe i've streamlined the process very efficiently (to the point where my wife, a non-gamer and non-football fan, was able to play the game with me).
here are my questions:
1) what's your favorite (american) football boardgame, and why?
2) does the play calculation hamper your enjoyment of the game at all?
3) are there any features not available in the current games that you'd like to see?
thanks very much!
i've read much about bloodbowl and pizza box football.
in my research, it appeared that bloodbowl took too much "work" to play, for my tastes. the same for pizza box, although to a much lesser degree. however, i felt both games included too many "hurdles" (specifically in play resolution) for a casual gamer to enjoy.
the first iteration of my game resembled bloodbowl in that it focused on the "micro" aspects. however, that system proved to be unplayable, since it required gamers to slowly calculate the impact of each player on every play. i streamlined that process into the team skill-based system that i have evolved at this point.
my goal for my game is to end up with a game that is fun to play for two reasons: 1) the playcalling forces you to make "thoughtful" decisions, and 2) the play mechanic does not interrupt the flow of the game, nor become the focus of the game.
i think by meeting those criteria, my game will appeal to both hard-core gamers (of which i know a few) and casual football fans who won't play a given game unless it is accessible (me and most of my friends).
as for the scope of my game, i am working to make it encompass everything from ownership (basic stadium building system), to team managing (player creation, fantasy draft, salary cap management), to coaching (offensive/defensive strategy and play selection). a method to track in-game momentum is being crafted as well, in a way similar to the aforementioned "heroic chips." factors other than playcalling and team skill will be added to the mix, without burdening the system of calculation.
multi-player will be included, to allow for gamers to create their own leagues and compete, season after season, for championships. free (unlicensed) NFL team "expansion packs" would be included, or made available (only mentioning players by number and teams by city), assuming that it would be legally possible.
i expect to be wrapping up production shortly, so if anyone is interested in becoming a playtester, please make a note of it here.