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Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

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Joined: 10/16/2008

Hey everyone, I had an interesting idea last night that just won't go away, and I'm looking for some feedback.

First an intro for anyone who doesn't know me: I'm the owner of Live Oak Games (, a small game company that makes family-oriented board and card games.

In my position, I get a lot of "would you publish my game?" e-mails. LOG doesn't have the resources to publish these game designs simply because we're not big enough. However, I really empathize with the designer trying to get his game out there. That's why we launched our game design contest.

Okay, now I'm finally getting to my point. You're all familiar with CheapAss games, right? They make great downloadable games designed by the genius that is James Ernest. Do you think you could design a game along those lines? More to the point, would you be interested in doing so?

As a game designer, would you be interested in designing a game, which I sell online for $3.50 - $6.00 each (depending on production costs), of which you get $1.00?

That's the idea that I'm pondering. LOG already has the website, shopping cart, and everything else that you could possibly want to follow the James Ernest model of fortune and glory. However, there's no way that I can compete with James Ernest - and to be honest, I really don't want to.

However, you guys might. What do you think?

Here's the plan:
1) I design a website (a subdirectory of the LOG site of course) with a shopping cart. I support said site with online advertising, and it also gets the benefit of the (fairly significant) traffic is already getting.
2) You design the games.
3) I review them and then sell them online.
4) You get fame and pizza money, and I make enough to clear the costs of maintaining the site.

What do you think? Supergenius idea or hopelessly flawed? Please let me know!

- Pat

Joined: 10/16/2008
Nothing like replying to my own post.

I just tried to edit my previous post, but didn't see how to change the title. The games wouldn't have to be "downloadable", but could be shipped in an envelope. Downloadable would be nicest from my point of view, of course.

- Pat

Joined: 07/22/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

I like the idea even though I'm probably not talented enough to take advantage of it. I think I'd certainly use it, though, if I stumbled on to something that would fit the program.

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

As a game designer, would you be interested in designing a game, which I sell online for $3.50 - $6.00 each (depending on production costs), of which you get $1.00?

I'm interested, but I can see that production costs would have to be awfully low. Only certain games would fit the bill here, and the return to the game designer (at $1 a copy) is also pretty low. That's not necessarily a killer, but it's a pretty tight constraint. You would manufacture the games (that were not directly downloadable); what are the limits here? For example, I'm sure that any cards would have to be on fairly lightweight paper, and not on professional card stock. No cardboard boards (Cheapass's "Kill Doctor Lucky" has a "board" printed on several separate 8.5x11 sheets which the players must assemble each time). I assume no color printing? Some sort of upper limit on the amount of printed material? No tokens?

Then there's the matter of how the game designer would deliver his game to you, the manufacturer. I presume you'd want electronic delivery of all artwork in some format or other (PDF?), with size and trimming specifications. I worry that packaging a game for you to manufacture might cost a developer a fair amount of effort... in return for which he'd get $1/copy, assuming any copies get sold.

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket. I think this could be cool, and way better than never seeing some games published at all. But more information would be good, so that we can better guage which of our games would be suitable.

For example: Could you produce a custom deck of cards, shuffleable and reasonably opaque?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Pat, let us know what you'd like the title to be and one of the mods or admins can change it.

Hedge-o-Matic's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

This sounds like a good way to go, especially the downloadable games portion. considering the return on investment, it might benefit both parties. I'm in! Let's see, let me just open the design closet...

Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Pat, I am a little confused (like that's hard to do). Are you looking for game that will be really cheap to publish like the cheap hard copy games that Cheap Ass publishes or would the game be downloaded from the web and the person that bought the game would get a pdf file and would have to print and assemble it himself. either way I am interested
Tim Schutz

Joined: 08/03/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Rick-Holzgrafe wrote:
...and the return to the game designer (at $1 a copy) is also pretty low.

Actually, a $1 return for a $6 retail game is spectacular. Typically, designers will get royalties amounting to roughly 5% of wholesale. For a $20 retail game, wholesale cost will be something like $12 (and that's probably high), meaning your per game royalty would be 60 cents. So making $1 per game is very generous, particularly for a game with such a low retail cost!


Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Except that the designer's royalty doesn't include doing the desktop publishing and pdf publishing of the game.

I still think it's not unreasonable, but it's not comparing apples to apples.

-- Matthew

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Actually, a $1 return for a $6 retail game is spectacular.

I'm sure it is. I wasn't complaining that it was ungenerous; just that in absolute terms it isn't a lot. Designers must balance the effort of publishing against the probable return.

Certainly some of the return is non-monetary. I think it would be great to see some of my games actually in print and available for sale, even Cheapass-style, and regardless of how much money I do or don't stand to make.

But it's clear that at $1/copy, I won't make much money. I have no illusions that Pat will sell thousands of copies of my game for me; my games aren't that good. (Well, not yet!) If it is going to cost me a lot of time and effort to deliver a publishable game to Pat, I might choose to spend my limited time by inventing new games instead. (Or playing with my kids, petting the cat, snoring on the sofa, whatever.)

(I'm also curious about how Pat hopes to make this venture worth his while! $1 for the developer, roughly $1 for shipping and $1 for materials, plus Pat's own time for assembly and handling... Pat isn't going to see much return per copy either! I'm not objecting or complaining about this; I'm just snoopy.)

Joined: 10/16/2008

Since there definitely is interest, let me flesh this idea out a little more so everyone can see what and why I'm doing it.

The Why
Three reasons:
1) To help out the developer community (of which I'm a member)
2) To generate more interest in "indie" games.
3) To generate more awareness of Live Oak Games

The How
After doing some initial research and getting some tentative quotes, I believe that I can do relatively small print runs (500-1,000) with limited color at a low per-game cost. If I eliminate the distributor and retailer markup, I only need to charge a couple bucks more per game to break even. Ideally, we can do downloadable PDFs (that would be $3.50 price point), but I doubt that will work for everything. As for the rest of the costs, my infrastructure is basically already in place. The incremental costs of adding these to my operation is not that great.

Sadly, I don't anticipate selling a huge number of any one game. Website sales (in my experience) simply aren't that great. The payback to the designer, therefore, has to be relatively high. $1 per game is extraordinarily high. If we sell a thousand copies, the designer would get $1,000 and would (I'd imagine) be pretty happy. We can only get away with such a high payback to the designer because we'll have such low overhead.

As an aside, it would be worth it to designers to keep their games as cheap to make as possible: the royalty stays the same but the sales (should) be higher with a lower price point.

The Bet
I'm betting that this is a break-even proposition that will fulfill my goals. The big risk is some money and the possibility that I could have a bunch of games on the site that nobody likes. I'm counting on the designers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Designer Responsibilities
Here's what I'd need from any submissions:
1) First, design a great game. In this form factor, the mechanics are key. There's only so much flash you can do when you're dealing with such low production costs. Building in a sense of humor is also a great idea.
2) If you have artwork, great. If not, I'm hoping to see what I can do with the artists and illustrators that I work with. I should be able to call in a few favors and get some minor touch up work done here and there. Alternatively, if you know a starving artist that needs the exposure, have him do it for you. I'll give credit to everyone you tell me to give credit to.
3) If you have the rules already laid out, great. If not, I have some small skill at this and can help out.
4) Someone old enough to sign a contract.

In terms of selecting games, those that are the most "done" will get highest priority. They're the ones that will be tested first and will be responded to first. After that, we'll be focussing on the ones that are the cheapest to make (did I mention downloadable PDFs?). Our answers to submissions will either be:
1) "It's perfect!",
2) "What do you think about these changes?", or
3) "No thanks. That's not what we do"

Form Factor: Keep it cheap. Sorry to be so vague, but I haven't done more than the initial inquiries. I'll start getting more serious quotes and see what bits I can include for each of the different price points.

Important Legal Stuff
In terms of rights, we'd want the right to sell the game (exclusively) on the web site for a period of 5 years - after which we'd both have to agree to extending the arrangement. To buy those rights back, you would have to pay the cost of the inventory we haven't moved. If we went out of business or dropped the game for some other reason, full rights of the game would revert to you.

Does that make sense?
I'm going to wait until I get some good games before I launch. Launching something like this and then not getting any games would just be embarrassing.

So, that's the whole thing - but it's still in the brainstorming process. I don't work in a vacuum here. I have to get other people on board, and then lay out a timeline, get the PR thing going, and so on and so forth.

Prior to that, I'm looking for feedback. What do you think? Questions, comments? Did I miss any questions?

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

I think it sounds like an interesting idea, Pat. Obviously with this sort of thing, it would all come down to the execution -- could work great, could be a luke-warm break-even type thing, or could simply go nowhere.

Besides CheapAss, you'd also be in competition with some of the stuff available through RPG.Net -- although the target market would likely be different.

Besides the printed items, what would you consider to be inexpensive for components? Dice, generic pawns, fold-over card holders, etc.?


Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Interesting this could be a fun thing to try. I to would like to know the types of components I could include.

Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

5 years sounds like a while for a game to be exclusive for a small venture. Perhaps exclusive for 2 years and you are allowed to clear the rest of your inventory in the event it gets picked up by a larger company. Really if you get a hit and the author gets offers from bigger companies I’m sure the old inventory would be cleared out by game collectors.

Joined: 10/16/2008
Good Point!

That's a great point about the length of the contract. Shortening the term of it does make sense - certainly for download only games.

For games with lots of inventory, I need some protection, though. I don't want to be sitting on $3,000 of inventory and then have the game pulled out from underneath me. Having the designer "buy" out for the cost of inventory seems pretty reasonable to me. What do you think?

To everyone who has asked, e-mailed, and PM'd me the same question: You're absolutely right. I need to get more guidelines regarding the components. I'm working on that now. It'll take me a couple days, though.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

The idea sure sounds interesting. I'm a graphic designer turning game designer, so the hard part for me would be creating a really good game, while pre-production work would be the easy task.

One idea for the bits: try to get some sort of list of prices per individual sort of piece instead of a complete set of different pieces, to give more freedom to the designers.

Something like:
each pawn: $ xx
each die: $ xx
4"x4" board: $ xx
8"x8" board: $ xx

Instead of: 6 pawns, 2 dice and 1 6"x6" board: $ xx

That would give the designers the freedom to refine the design of their games with the price tag in mind.


Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

You might consider that printable games are a different thing all together and have separate contracts for them. There will be no problem with getting stuck with innovatory so it could be for set number of years at $1 for each sale and rights reverting to the designer upon expiration.

The other idea is kind of harsh if the $3000 is correct on what it would cost the designer to buy back their rights to a game or have it held indefinitely, especially considering that they would have made no money on it since almost none of them sold. I hope you can work out a contract that would be a little friendlier and still give you the protection you need to go ahead with this project.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Before we get much further

Let me ask for clarification on one point: Are we talking about PRINTED games or are we talking DOWNLOADABLE games. Both are being discussed here so it would be nice if it was clarified that we are talking about one or the other and then move on from there. I think it is very necessary that a clear distinction is made between the two because I think some people are talking about downloadable and some are discussed printed.

Pat, If you are talking about printed games (which I think you are), is there any way you can print smaller quantities. Maybe if you could print several different games at the same time, you could print smaller quantities of each game? The contract thing kind of scares me as well. How about in lieau of an actual time period, you simply say that the contract lasts until all current stock is sold. Prior to that a designer could buy back their games on a progressive scale based upon your costs and total number of units sold. Maybe you could set your 'break even + minimum profit' # at a certain number of units, and the designer could 'buy up' to that # of units if they wanted to actually do a buy out.

Just some ideas. I very much like this idea and if there's anything I can do to help (banner ads or whatever), please let me know.


Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

As I have understood it, it will be both. You can both get a PDF copy for a small price and the printed version for a little bit higher cost.
I have seen this been done for RPG:s (also with books). Maybe it works for board/card games.
I find this to be an interesting idea and are willing to offer Pat at least a couple of my games (if Pat want to have them) to be handled this way (and for 5 years).

// Johan

Joined: 10/16/2008
I don't have all the answers yet

My thought is that the website could offer both downloadable games and games that have to be shipped. If a game works as being downloadable, I would prefer that. However, some games require more customized production.

To be clear, I'll refer to the games as either "downloadable games" or "inventory games"

Regarding the contract points:
1) I agree that instead of having it time-based for inventory games, the contract should be based on inventory. Once the initial inventory sells out, both sides would agree to doing another exclusive "print run".

2) Buying out the contract would have to be based on remaining inventory costs. To be honest, I don't think that would be an issue. If the game isn't selling, I don't see why another company would want to license it. However, if that situation arose, I certainly will do my best to work with the designer to come to some sort of arrangement so they're not stuck with an overly burdensome bill.

- Pat

Joined: 10/16/2008
Yes, that would be great!

Johan, I'm absolutely interested. However, events are racing ahead of me. It's only been a day since I floated the idea, and I already have three valid submissions that need to be evaluated.

I've calls in to my manufacturers to get some quotes together for pricing components - but that will take a couple days. And I still don't have the website up.

My current theory on gameboards is not to offer folding boards, but rather segmented boards. We'll print on hard stock squares (I'm not sure of the shape yet, but probably 8" x 8"). If the board is larger than that, each quadrant of the board will be printed on one card. The players simply push the pieces together to form the board.

Cards are a tougher issue. Obviously, we can't afford playing cards. I think, however, that we might be able to get blank business cards in bulk.

Joined: 10/16/2008

Here's what I've lined up so far:

Pawns: $0.15
Card Stands: $0.20
Poker Chips: $0.15
6-Sided Dice: $0.15

Printing, of course, would be the most expensive and I'm working on that. The assembly cost is also up in the air, but it looks like we're on target for the $6 and under price point.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Pawns: $0.15
Card Stands: $0.20
Poker Chips: $0.15
6-Sided Dice: $0.15

Wouldn't it be better to let the customer supply these (like Cheap Ass) and you supply the other items... the board, rules and other sspecial items they don't already have.

Joined: 10/16/2008

I don't know. I do like the idea of having games available with and without bits, that's for sure.

You're right though: the printing of the board is the most expensive thing.

Joined: 06/22/2010
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

I tried to set up something very similar 18 months ago. The differnece was I let the designers take care of producing and dropshipping their own games. I wanted to provide a central store.

I went as far as to register and do much of the coding. There was just not really any interest, I let the name expire a few months ago and I see now it's in the hands of a squatter.


Joined: 10/16/2008
An update

Hey everyone, I just wanted to update you all on the progress (?) that I've made on this idea.

Oracle, it is interesting to see that you looked at doing this once before.

Thanks to all for the great feedback, I have refined the initial idea quite a bit to something that I think is feasible. Whether it can make any money or not... that's another question.

Assuming that I can work out the financials, there are basically two types of games that I think can work with:

1) Pdf downloads (customer orders and gets a pdf download, but not anything else). I'm not sure how feasible this is. With the notable exception of rpgs, I'm not sure that anyone would purchase a game to be printed out and played. However, I've been wrong before and I'm willing to listen to pitches.

2) Short-run games that are inexpensive to produce. I've talked with my printers and have come up with arrangements for being able to produce short-run games very cheaply. By "very cheaply", I mean I can get good quality color 8 x 10 boards for $2.00 each (printed to the edge). Games which require larger boards would basically have 2 (or more) of these that get tiled together. Likewise, I can arrange to have the "bits" (pawns, dice, etc.) produced cheaply. The key here is that games have to fit the form factor (board size, standard pawns, etc.). These games would not have boxes, and could be priced at $10 or less. The boards have to be printed in lots of 1,000, so if I get four designs (each with a single board), the min. print run for each would be 250.

Be aware that there are still a lot more issues to be dealt with.
1) Whose brand are the games sold under? If they're under the Live Oak Games brand, I'm going to have to exert a fair amount of quality control and also take ownership of the game (at least for a period of time). If they're not sold under the Live Oak Games brand... well, that's something I have to work out. I still would be exercising some editorial control. For example, I won't be accepting any "adult" submissions. Please don't interpret this as me denigrating that business - it's just not the business I'm in.

2) What about the CheapAss model? After going round and round on that, it just doesn't make sense for me. I don't want to be in the business of selling game bits.

3) Who does the artwork? This relates closely to item 1. If it's a LOG game, I'll be working with artists to make sure we get some great graphics. If you already have this done, that's great. If it's not a LOG game, then I can connect you to some artists, but I wouldn't be involved.

4) Money, money, money... how can I make this work? That's my job, though, and that's what I'm working on now. If I can come up with a good model, then I won't even start.

So, here's the new idea: Quality games sold online and produced cheaply. We get them made cheaply primarily by conforming to standardized form factors and not including boxes.

That's the update. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or (heaven forfend) praise!

- Pat

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?


You mention "lots" of 1000 and then talk about runs of 250 for 4 designs. Based on the size, I guess your printers plan printing 4 boards at a time in a run of 250, but if that's not the case, 1000 copies of 1 board isn't the same as 250 copies of 4 different boards. I know you have production experience, so I'm pretty sure you know this, but I wnated to mention it just in case.

Even if you're selling the games under the LOG brand, you might want to have some sort of sub-brands or distinct lines of games by designer, to take advantadge of the success of some designer games to help increasing the selling of his other games. If you've followed the GDS, you'll probably agree with me that just placing the "A game by Yogurt" legend will help selling any game. :-)

Keep us posted on the progress of this project.


Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Re: An update

OrlandoPat wrote:
2) What about the CheapAss model? After going round and round on that, it just doesn't make sense for me. I don't want to be in the business of selling game bits.

What is the CheapAss model. I know they selling cheap games but it there more?

// Johan

Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Some questions for you:

1) How exactly do you package a game without a box? I am having a hard time visualing this.

2) Do you have the potential to print cards? You earlier mentioned getting business cards in bulk and I was wondering where you were with that. If you limit designers to boards, dice, pawns, and chips - that limits the potential designs that could be made by a large amount. Also what about tokens that you could print on to make coins, characters, etc.?

3) Have you thought about how you will handle shipping costs?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

Johan, most cheapass games don't include all the bits you need to play---dice, pawns, etc. The idea is you'd scavenge them from other games or buy them separately if you need them. The games really only come with the boards, cards, and rules that you need for that specific game.

Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Any designers interested in designing downloadable rulesets?

jkopena wrote:
Johan, most cheapass games don't include all the bits you need to play---dice, pawns, etc. The idea is you'd scavenge them from other games or buy them separately if you need them. The games really only come with the boards, cards, and rules that you need for that specific game.

Thanks. I have only played chepass games, I don't own any.
That is nearly as Steve Jackson Games that don't send any dice (at least not in Frag ;) ).

// Johan

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