I have a completed prototype of a game, called Fliesespiel for now, and I would love to get some feedback including playtest reults if possible from this forum.
Should I post in the "Playtesting" forum, or is it more appropriate to get in to the GDW calendar?
I have complete rules, a .PPT file for the tiles and board so if anyone's interested I can email these.
Is there somewhere on here (or elsewhere on the web) that I can upload a picture of the game to?
Any feedback appreciated. Thanks
you also might be able to find more people interesting in playtesting the game if you make us want to play it. What the game is about, what are the rules, etc. I took me awhile to make a prototype for Terra Prime, and it is a very basic prototype. So I am not going to be making prototypes for games I don't want to play (or maybe that is me personally)