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This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

14 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/31/1969

This forum should place a thread for artists because, as game designers, we are always going to need good art to help sell/manufacture our games!

Joined: 10/16/2008
I agree

Absolutely. Add my vote to Willi_B's!

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

This is the closest thing we've got at the moment.

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

What I'd like to see is an area that those of us who are graphically-challenged could post some info on a project we are working on, but with which we could use some artistic help. That way anyone who is interested could check out the snapshot of the project 'on the down-low', to see if they are interested in it enough to see more...any maybe jump in!

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Willi_B, OrlandoPat, and others...

Items like this are being addressed and will be avaiable once we get the new site *fully* organized and working to a *satifactory* level. And it is getting closer everyday, but sadly most admins and moderators are busy with other personal commitments so progress on the new site varies.

I agree that the items like a place Artists should be available and the new site will allow for easier and quicker modifications for such new topics.

Again sorry for the delay... but hold on it is coming!

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

No problem!

I just found this site yesterday and am thrilled with what already exists! I wish I knew of this site earlier!

Keep up the great work!

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

The more I peruse and the more I think about it, I would change what I called this thread.

I guess instead of just artists, maybe a column for designer resources would be more appropriate.

Artists, manufacturers of components, web designers, and perhaps even specialties like agents and resources for pursuit of making your game electronic.

Just trying to think of what resources game designers need. It appears to me you already have some of these people on this site and they would benefit from a listing.

Just thoughts.

Brykovian's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Hi Willi ...

Have you taken a look at the Web Resources area (link in the upper-left menu)?

It's not an extensive listing, but the site has the feature for anyone who cares to use it.


This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Hi i'm a 3D artist I was looking for a game board forum this looks like the best one. I'm thinking of adding game board artwork and logo design to my service list. I'm not sure wether to help a game designer out or make a board game up just to show on my portfolio.
Would animation help you guys out in selling a mock up of your idea?
What parts of your design would you need a digital artist for?

It might help you guys out if you had a service hire or wants thread that would attract the designers and artists.

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Greetings, I'm a fine artist who focuses professonaly in wild life acrylic paintings for sale in galleries etc. Recently I was asked by a friend to do the cover art for a fantasy game, and have found a great enjoyment in this kind of work. I will be expanding my work into this field.

For anyone looking for painted (not photoshopped) work let me know. Here is a link to the cover art I did.

I did this as a semi-impressionistic piece and it was completed in 8 hours on canvas with acrylic. I could work with photoshop as well if you need.

My e-mail is

Joined: 04/23/2013
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Axe wrote:

For anyone looking for painted (not photoshopped) work let me know. Here is a link to the cover art I did.

I did this as a semi-impressionistic piece and it was completed in 8 hours on canvas with acrylic. I could work with photoshop as well if you need.

There is no picture at that link.

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Sorry about that. It looks like you have to hit the download on top right (OSRIC.03) I did the cover. Sorry, I don't know how to seperate the cover art from the rest.

BTW I can work more realistic if needed. Also these guys wanted painted only, however, I can work photoshop as well.

Joined: 07/13/2009
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Wow Axe - love the art man, it *is* old school, 1st ed D&D style :D

Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Here's Axe's art...


Joined: 12/31/1969
This forum needs to outreach to artists/graphic designers!

Thanks for posting the illustration, and for the kind words. Yeah, the illustration was meant to capture that late 70s TSR feel. OSRIC is infact a method for publishers to make modules for 1E AD&D which is out of print. Its free and not meant to be played (though I suppose it could be). Anyhow, the OSRIC creators where very happy with the illustration.

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