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French BoardGame Contest

20 replies [Last post]


The 23th International Contest of BoardGame Creators is start.

Since 1977, this french contest (organized by Boulogne-Billancourt GameLibrary) allowed to publish 51 games like Abalone, Formula Dé, Mare Nostrum...

This competition is open for all but game proposed must be inedited.

For informations and rules :

If you speak French, go to

For english translation, you can use babelfish (french to English):

Thank you !

Joined: 08/16/2009
French BoardGame Contest

If you use babelfish to translate, replace the word 'pplays' with game or games and it will make much more sense.


Joined: 04/23/2013

Hmmm, as usual the babel fish translation leaves a lot to be desired!

Hpox, can you or another of our French speaking users give us a better translation?


French BoardGame Contest

my english isn't very good :roll: but if you have some particular question about this constest, i can try to answer...

Joined: 12/31/1969
French BoardGame Contest

Alright! I'll try my best.

The main objectives of this contest are :

1) Create & Discover new ludic gameplay mechanics.
2) Help designers find a publisher. More than 50 participating games have been published since 1977.


The contest is open to designers of all ages. The only restriction is that the game must not be published before the end of the contest. Jury's prizes will be given in November during our 8th "Jeux en Fête". Designers that already have 5 or more published games can only enter 1 game.


Ask for a "participation file" then send it back signed with all the necessary documents and the entry fee. We do not judge the games by their aesthetic. So even if you aren't the greatest artist but think you've got an original game do not hesitate to participate.


4 prizes will be given. If the designers agree, the winning games will be presented to pubishers. This first contact is gratuitous and aim to ease the entry of new designers in the world of publishing. If the overall quality of the participating games are judged to be insufficient, some prizes might not be given.

You'll find all necessary informations to enter the contest in the rules.

Joined: 12/31/1969
French BoardGame Contest

The rules are pretty standard stuff. It seems fair.

Some important points: (*EDITED for clarity*)

An entry fee of 15€ (US$18.60) You send the rules (and photos) of your game with it.

There will be a pre-selection of the games based on the rules. 80 games of 200 are kept (pre-selected). At that point, you send you game. Of course, you'll have to pay shipping and send it in a strong packaging.

If your game is pre-selected, you have to pay another fee of 45€ (US$55.75) This is to give a money prize to the 4 winners. Each will get at least 675€.

The 80 pre-selected games will be tested and 20 finalists will be kept.

They will send back all 80 prototypes with a written review & commentary of the jury (They pay shipping this time)

French BoardGame Contest

Thanx for this translation !

One more point :

All Fee are dealt between the fourth winners.

Joined: 10/02/2008
French BoardGame Contest

Is this contest worth entering? There isn't a lot of time to prepare for it, but if it's a good contest I may work hard to get something into it.


Joined: 12/31/1969
French BoardGame Contest

SVan wrote:
Is this contest worth entering? There isn't a lot of time to prepare for it, but if it's a good contest I may work hard to get something into it.

hpox wrote:
2) Help designers find a publisher. More than 50 participating games have been published since 1977.

Take that as you want but I think it's at least interesting. Of course, the fact that they accept submissions from published designers and pre-select down to 20 might keep you from entering a quick game that didn't receive enough playtest.

Personally, I'll look into it. Not sure if I'll enter yet.

Joined: 04/23/2013

To me the $18.60 entry fee is too steep if you aren't among those entries to make it to the next level. Now I wouldn't mind paying the fee if it were among those chosen, but this fee (or any fee for that matter) to read my rules and preview photographs is unacceptable in my eyes.


Recommendations for game submissions?

What kind of game is better suited for this competition? Does anyone know? Strategy? Abstract? Card game?

French BoardGame Contest

All kind of games are vailable (Four category : child game, Family Game, adult game and Abstract Game)

You can see all the winners edited since 1977 :

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
French BoardGame Contest

And that's a very impressive pedigree list too!

IngredientX's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
French BoardGame Contest

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it strikes me that the contest is geared for published designs. Perhaps they allow unpublished designs as a formality, but unless there's a seperate "unpublished" category, I don't see them taking a game that isn't already on the path to mass production.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
French BoardGame Contest

IngredientX wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it strikes me that the contest is geared for published designs.

Here's the relevant bit from Hpox's post above:


The contest is open to designers of all ages. The only restriction is that the game must not be published before the end of the contest. Jury's prizes will be given in November during our 8th "Jeux en Fête". Designers that already have 5 or more published games can only enter 1 game.

That seems fairly clear that only unpublished games can be entered.

IngredientX's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
French BoardGame Contest

Scurra wrote:
That seems fairly clear that only unpublished games can be entered.

I stand corrected. Thanks Scurra!

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
French BoardGame Contest

IngredientX wrote:

I stand corrected.

Do you stand at your computer then? I normally sit down at mine.


Joined: 07/26/2008
French BoardGame Contest

I had lost track of this contest and just looked it up again. Did any BGDF'ers submit to this?

In case you also lost track of this one, here are the relevent dates.

Babelfish translated what the organizers wrote:

-Reception of the files: until February 28, 2004
-Announce of the 80 séléctionnés plays: At the beginning of April 2004
-Announce of the 20 finalists: At the end of July 2004
-Meeting of the jury: at the beginning of September 2004
-Public advertisement of the preceded plays: During September 2004
-Handing-over of the prices: November 20 and 21, at the time of the "9eme Plays in Festival"

Good luck to anyone who entered!


French BoardGame Contest

I had lost track of this contest and just looked it up again. Did any BGDF'ers submit to this?

...And if you look at the numbers they published, they received only two entries from the United States.

French BoardGame Contest


the new contest is now open. Rules & application form are here :

Last year, five games was preceded : 4 french games (one have already find an editor) and one game from Brazilan Designers.
All results are here :

Thanx !

Joined: 12/31/1969
French BoardGame Contest

Also a small note:
Rules must be submitted in English or French only.

Just to let you know.

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