Hey everyone, I'm looking for a little feedback. I'm trying to re-design our website(s) to make them easier to navigate and understand.
If you have a couple moments, and wouldn't mind helping a fellow game designer out, could you take a look at http://www.siegestones.com and let me know what you think?
The old look is at http://www.liveoakgames.com/IceLake.htm.
My goal with the new one was to make it brighter, simpler, and easier to navigate.
I'd appreciate any feedback. I'm planning on re-working the rest of the sites to conform to that new look, and I'd love to hear your criticisms before I do that...
- Pat
That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! And if anyone else wants to chime in, please do so!
The switch is coming primarily thanks to user feedback that the "old" look (http://www.liveoakgames.com/IceLake.htm) was
1) "too boring", "too pastel", and not exciting
2) Had a menu structure that was "too complex"
3) "Needlessly integrated all the games together. Focus each site on each individual game."
After much discussion with other people, I kind of decided that these comments were accurate. So I set out to make a very simple (and colorful) template that I could use for each game. To address your points:
1) I agree about the scrolling, but I wanted to keep the logo out of the way. I might be able to move the logo to the top left. I'll look into that. Did you see that clicking the "SiegeStones" takes you back to the SiegeStones home page?
2) You don't like the Breaking News? Bummer! I thought that was cool.
3) Apple is great for a corporate site. I'm trying to go for something more fun for each of the individual games.
4) Great point about "contact us"
Thanks again for the great comments and please feel free to keep 'em coming!
- Pat