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Museum of Board Games?

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bluesea's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

Is there a museum for board games? Not just some special exhibit, but a serious museum dedicated to board games, both ancient and modern, that also allows for teaching and playing of games...It shouldn't be a cheesey "hall of fame" type thing either, I think.

Has anyone ever seen such an exhibit on the art of board games?

If there isn't a museum, where should it be? Or firstly, should there be one at all?

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Museum of Board Games?

I have to agree that it is a bit tricky to find a location for such museum since board games appeared in all civilisation at different time. The is no city which could be called the home of board games like greece could be called the home of olympics.

But no, I have not seem such museum. But it think it should be hard to keep old games in good conditions since you play with a game. It`s not like a painting that only hand on a wall for the rest of his life.

National Libraries could maybe implement a legal deposit for games. Of course, it takes a lot of place to store compared to books.

bluesea's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Museum of Board Games?
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