I would like to suggest a new thread for the BGDF General section: Arts and Artists. Basically it would be a place for artists and designers (Professional and amateur) to showcase their work and get reviews of their current projects, whether it be art for art's sake or a board game design.
So, what does everyone think?
My research into Cannibal-Pirates is taking me on a voyage around the Caribbean. I leave in a few days and will plan to be away for at least three weeks.
I shall be taking copious amounts of filmstock, Black Russian Rum, toothpicks and peppermint sunblock (will be working on my tan, but I don't want to go overboard on the sunburn).
I met a jolly ol' ship captain down by the docks the other day and he agreed to give me free passage. In return, I agreed to let him use my peppermint sunblock, though I had to agree to help apply it to the parts of his hairy back he can't reach.
I hope to bring back some useful research material which I will be willing to share with the community for free, though I do expect an ample supply of sympathy if I happen to return with one or more body parts missing.
I will take my lucky lime with me, and shall call upon Anansi (the Spider God) if I happen across my long lost twin brother.
Fare thee well Land Lubbers...
Good luck with your trip! Be wary of any Carib tribesmen you may encounter, especially if they look a but peckish!