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Only One Month Left

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Joined: 10/16/2008

Hey everyone, I just wanted to remind you that there's only one month left in our Game Design competition. Here's the link

Top three prize winners will receive autographed copies of SiegeStones with all three sets of rules included. In addition, the first and second place will get gift certificates to the game store of their choice.
First Prize: $250 gift certificate
Second Prize: $100 gift certificate

The contest runs through midnight, August 31st.

- Patrick Matthews
Live Oak Games

Joined: 12/31/1969
Only One Month Left

Components details for anyone interested in attempting this:

- 1 gameboard composed of 37 circles in hexform layout.
- 9 cylindrical wooden Towers each with a circular depression in the top that allows the Stones to sit on them without falling off easily.
- 80 coloured stones, 20 in each colour of green, red, yellow, blue. Stones have smooth rounded surfaces so are not "stackable".

I think I'll give this one a go, myself. Good luck, peeps!


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