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Organizing Uploads on the BGDF

2 replies [Last post]
Gogolski's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I don't think there's a way to organize your uploads on this site, but I might be mistaken...

It would be handy to be able to create a subfolder or to be able to rank and view uploads by type, upload-date, last-modified-date...

I'm just asking if this is possible (or if this could be an option on the renewed site...)


Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Organizing Uploads on the BGDF

Gogolski wrote:
I don't think there's a way to organize your uploads on this site, but I might be mistaken...

It would be handy to be able to create a subfolder or to be able to rank and view uploads by type, upload-date, last-modified-date...

I'm just asking if this is possible (or if this could be an option on the renewed site...)


No further updates/modifications/improvements will be made to this site. All efforts are being channeled towards getting the wiki online.

Also, this sort of request is better made using a private message or the feedback option.


Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Organizing Uploads on the BGDF

Darkehorse wrote:
Gogolski wrote:
I don't think there's a way to organize your uploads on this site, but I might be mistaken...

It would be handy to be able to create a subfolder or to be able to rank and view uploads by type, upload-date, last-modified-date...

I'm just asking if this is possible (or if this could be an option on the renewed site...)


No further updates/modifications/improvements will be made to this site. All efforts are being channeled towards getting the wiki online.

Also, this sort of request is better made using a private message or the feedback option.


On a further note, I know we've been saying this for a long time, but we are really trying to move ahead with this. We've suffered some major setbacks which is why it's taken us so long. I apologize for the delay and stagnation of the current software, but it really can't be avoided.


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