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Protoparts:Gameboard box - 10.25" square

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/31/1969

Does anybody know how this is shipped ?

If I order 3 boxes how big will be the package ?
10.25x10.25x(3*3inches) ?

I would like to have some shipped to me in the US so my friend can pick it up and bring it back. Does he need a carrying case separate for this ?


Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Protoparts:Gameboard box - 10.25" square

RookieDesign wrote:
Does anybody know how this is shipped ?

If I order 3 boxes how big will be the package ?
10.25x10.25x(3*3inches) ?

I would like to have some shipped to me in the US so my friend can pick it up and bring it back. Does he need a carrying case separate for this ?


Just e-mail the store owner directly please.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Protoparts:Gameboard box - 10.25" square

Will do. I tough it was of some general interest or somebody ordered some already.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Protoparts:Gameboard box - 10.25" square

RookieDesign wrote:
Will do. I tough it was of some general interest or somebody ordered some already.

Good point. That reminds me, I probably need to set up a forum on Protoparts..


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