WE got the olympics!!!! thats stuffed you frenchies!!!!
Anyway, heres a invite.
I sell my games in compendiums; but i have been thinking about adding some 'classics' to my sets. Anybody got a suggestion?
A suggestion of a game that is JUST board and JUST generic pieces? the obvious benchmark is checkers,,,draughts,,,or alerquet - i dont think i spelt that right. Basically traditional games played on a board with simple pawns: pawn games if you will.
The Mancala family of games is another standard. Go, what a great game is another staple game. So, fire away. I'd love to hear suggestions.
Just board, just generic pieces.
Wizard invokes the power of krenik; counteracted with the sword of voac...oh dear, gotta play my williad....but my gem of jupitaar will save me.....:-)
im newish,,,thought it might make someone laugh