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When to stop?

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Not exactly a cry for help... rather more a query on when does enough become enough.

I've got what I consider to be a solid ruleset and board and chit graphics established and now as I'm starting to consider other things... suddenly I have the desire to change it all. I don't think that the game is broken but I can't help tinker with what I'm hoping is a finished product as far as the written portions.

How do you stop the tinkering, the picking, the mental second guesses? Have any of you gone through it and had your game stay intact or are you weakminded like me and just itching to sit back down to the computer to start revising?

This is kinda driving me nuts.

Joined: 12/31/1969
When to stop?

What happens to me is that I work on something for so long that I begin to hate it and keep thinking it's gonna suck, but it's usually just cause I'm so sick of working on it.

I'd say if you seriously get the itch to do some serious revising, then keep both versions of the rules; the before and after. Then have a group playtest both of them. You might come up with something people like, or you could blow it and have people like the old version. This way, you don't lose.

Joined: 08/03/2008
When to stop?

I think that the urge to overhaul is one that needs to be resisted but not necessarily completely ignored. There's a game I've been working on for about 2 years now, and it's currently in its ninth rulebook. Most of the versions are simply rules iterations, but there have been at least 3 major structural changes to the game that have fundamentally changed the nature of the game. In the process, I've tossed out some of the mechanics around which the original design was based, and that, I think, was the hardest part, since it made me say: "hey, but this is where the design started; shouldn't this aspect be sacrosanct?" But it just didn't work in the new formulation of the game. The good news is that those removed mechanics will find a home somewhere else, and that this game has moved (I think, pending playtesting) from a halfway decent game to something that I am very proud of. And it took some serious outside-the-box thinking and a willingness to start over from scratch to do it.

However, in this project, I had a huge advantage in making overhauls in that one of my overall project goals -- that the game be playable in <3 hours -- was not being met; the game was taking 5 hours or more to play. So in a sense, I had to overhaul the game to achieve my project goal. Had game length not have been an issue, I might not have tried so hard. And I wouldn't have as good a game.

I would say, don't be afraid to make big changes if you can tell that the changes will make the game better. But there are a lot of changes that one can come up with that will make the game different without providing a clear improvement. I would be more careful about these kinds of changes. I don't think that being a thorough designer requires considering every possible permutation of rules you can envision. If something seems neutral, think it through, talk it over with playtesters, and keep it open as an option should the current incarnation not pan out. But only go for those really big changes if your project isn't meeting a specific goal -- like providing a certain player experience (e.g., not strategic enough, not fun enough, etc), or doesn't work with the number of players you want, or requires too many components, or whatever.

I should also confess that my philosophy on this subject tends to be "don't let 'good enough' be the enemy of 'perfect'", and so I'm usually willing to try different things and consider big changes. It works for me because I'm not in any particular rush with any of my games, so meandering a bit is ok. But meandering too much will try your playtesters' patience, and if you're creating the game from whole cloth every time you play, they and you will get frustrated, so it's best to try to lock in some tentative mechanics early on if possible.

Just my thoughts on the subject. Good luck!


When to stop?

jwarrend wrote:
There's a game I've been working on for about 2 years now, and it's currently in its ninth rulebook.

Interesting reading this comment after having read your current GDW submission!

I think this is a good question and one that we all have had to deal with at some point. Always try to be open and honest with yourself about your game. Does it feel "done"? Does something feel out of place? You may learn through playtesting or by having the rules read by people that have never played your game.

You may also change your gaming interests and want something different from your game. Either way, you are the final arbiter of change.

One thing to keep in mind as well, don't be afraid to go back to a previous iteration or to replace mechanics that you have removed if you think it's necessary. I worked on a game that went through some big changes. When I playtested the new version, I found that I was unhappy with the absence of the mechanics that I had thought were unnecessary. I put them back and tweaked a few other places and ended up much happier with the results.

Joined: 12/31/1969
When to stop?

I tend to go along with jwarrend.

I've been working for the last yea on my project. After a review on the GDW, i was about to throw it out even if the commetaries we very good on it.

Even if my game was fun to play, I want to spice it up and include some comments from the GDW. For this I'll have to trash some of my work and start again.

I must say in the other hand that I took the long way to produce a playable prototype. My goal was to have a nice prototype to send for contest. Unfortunatly, I spent more time on arts and design that play factor and rules. I learn a lot doing this (Photoshop, Mojo World, Illustrator, card producing techniques), but I should have been able to pull my work out faster.

I'm also thinking that a good editor will be in a position to playtest and help you with minor changes so you don't have to make it perfect. You just have to make the best you can give. Iguess that even our best isn't enough to get publish :(.

Have a good day.

Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
When to stop?


I used to have this problem with my games, (worked on a game for a long time and did not want to drop it, even when I know that the game was doomed). My advice are: don?t drop an idea.
When you planing to put a game to sleep, don?t just trew the game away. Instead take a new look at the game and analyze what part of the game parts that you like (it can be a mechanism, a theme, a goal an interaction between players or a combination of them). Then cut that part/parts out and build a new (or several) new games around that part.

Example: Lets say that you have made a War Craft inspired game with resource management, battles, negotiation and trade. You like the game, but it take forever to play it and some parts don't feel right. You decide to close the project. The part that really works was the negotiation mechanism in the game. Then cut that part out and build a new game around that mechanism.

Example: A few years ago I dropped the game The general (A DBM styled game with no random elements involved). I have now reused most of the components (theme, goal, mechanism, and graphics) in the game into other games and have now 5 games that have its roots from that game.

One of the major errors designers do when creating new games is to include too much in the game. When a new idea with a new twist is invented, that is directly included in the game. The game will never be finalized. There are ways to deal with this problem:
- Split the game into several modules. The first part is just the basic game and then adds the other parts.
- Use the "big" game as a catalyst to create other games.

Example: I have four major projects going (game project that will take more then 2000 hours to complete with rules, graphics, prototyping, tests and so on). Those projects have a lot of spin off effects (I have currently 60 game projects in the pipeline and they just keep coming).
The game The princess, is a fantasy card game with everything (big battles, greater love, thieves, knights, dragons, mighty kings, wild magic, ghosts, desires and a lot more).
The game is actually a board game but without the game board. (The group that I test games with like the game and I have several times been asked to bring the game). I had too many ideas so the game is divided into several modules (and I'm currently working on version 5 of the first three (of 12).
This game has a lot of spin off effects: The year of dragons was the same game but as a board game. It has now been reworked to a completely different game. Worms 3D almost alive (Worms tabletop) was created when I needed to test the battle system. Adventure for hire (you are the one that have missions and tries to get a party that can carry them out) was born from the card mechanism.
From he graphics from the Princess was the base for Wizard Library Race (be the first wizard that get out from the library labyrinth) and several other games.

My advice is, If the game doesn't feel right, then reuse the good parts.

// Johan

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
When to stop?

Johan wrote:

My advice is, If the game doesn't feel right, then reuse the good parts.

Yes, I'd go along with that. I've certainly had this experience, with one early design of mine being a total failure but the three interesting mechanics spun off into three entirely different games, at least two of which work really well.

And don't forget - when you're a rich and famous... well, ok then, famous designer, you can always go back to those old designs and try and sell them again :-)

Seriously though, it's interesting to see that many published designs have then subsequently evolved into later better versions (good examples here would be Volldamf - Age of Steam and Basari - Edel, Stein & Reich. There's nothing wrong with the "earlier" versions, but given the choice I'd always play the later one.

When to stop?

Thanks for this topic, it's one that is currently on my mind as well. Like many I suspect I spend alot of mental energy trying to find the mechanics to make a the "game experience" fit my plans for it.

I have a game that just had its first playtest that past weekend and I learned a lot from it. On monday morning, I was thinking about the experience and I was ready to scrap the core mechanic to bring the game closer to what I thought "game experience" was supposed to be. What I've come to feel, and this forum has confirmed, is that the core mechanic should stay. I can think of parts of the game to scrap and new parts to add to fix problems we found.

Meanwhile the new mechanic I was considering has its own merits and will likely be a spring board for the next design. The whole topic makes me think of some of Reiner Knizia's games, several of which have similar mechanics but are different experiences. I can see how a single idea spurred several succesful executions-- each a good game on it's own.
So the impulse to change it all should be squelched on the one hand (try to fix the problems if they are fixable) but welcomed on the other hand as a seed for the next project.

BTW this is my first post. I'm happy to have found this site that has people like me who spend so much mental energy on this crazy game thing.

When to stop?

RookieDesign wrote:
...I took the long way to produce a playable prototype.

Not to get too far OT, but this is a great point, especially for those just creating their first few prototypes. Don't go overboard! Make it sufficient to playtest, but don't do anything that would cause too much angst to change.

My first two prototype card games were very finished, laminated and trimmed cards. I thought I was as done with the design as I would ever be. Then I realized that a few more changes were needed, but I dreaded going through the work of making the new prototype parts to fit in with the rest.

Since then I have learned not to assume I'm done before extensive playtesting (or had the good fortune to have them reviewed in the Game Design Workshop). I've also learned the beauty of CCG sleeves and paper boards to simplify the revision aspect of game design.

Joined: 12/31/1969
When to stop?

Ah yes, to tweak or not to tweak.

For me the tell-tale sign that I've taken the design as far as I should is when I'm playing and not thinking about the mechanics but just absorbed by the play. If I'm playing a game and thinking that X doesn't quite feel right, or wondering how doing Y a bit differently would affect things, then I know there's still work to be done.

I've had one game I've been playing for over a year and while I enjoy playing it there's always something just nagging at me. As such I've not bothered to put the rules to ink. While playing it just last week I finally had the "Eureka!" moment with it and tweak the play just a bit. The result was like taking a car that was running okay but out of alignment and getting it aligned.

Now the game plays like I always imagined it should. I'm now playing and just thinking about strategy and not at all about the mechanics anymore. As such, I'm in the process of hammering out a rule set for it and getting reading to put the "Completed Project" sticker on it.

- Nick

Hedge-o-Matic's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
When to stop?

I think the best point made so far is that if a change just makes the current design different without making it better, to not do it. The urge to tweak will never end, and I'd advise you to move on, do another, differnt game, and then come back to this current one. A bit of distance will make the urge to tweak less, as well as lend you perspective on what's working and what isn't.

On the other hand, if enough time passes your design easthetic will have changed, and you'll want to go into your rules with a pickaxe and night goggles. Best to start from the ground up, in that case, and rename the project. Not just another edition. A new name. a new identity. Let the old incarnation stand, and begin again.

So you'll end up with two very similar game... so what? One will be head and shoulders over the other, probably. And no identity crisis, either!

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