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Who has a game ready???

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Who has a game that is done and ready for shelfs??

Does anyone have say 1 or 2 games which they have ready to go to market but not enough to show at a show by themselves????

I see a lot of people here talking which they have or working on but have seen very few who have games on the shelfs. I have spoke to a couple who have self published and wondered a few things.

Does anyone who self published have a game ready but not wanting to go to a show and get a booth alone??

Is there anyone in Chicago or going to the Chicago trade show who would be willing to split on a booth?

I was hitting my head against the wall thinking about the games I am working on and have 4 which should be ready but not positive on getting them all done. Was thinking there may be others like me who have one or two games which they would like to take to a show and dont have a 1700 dollar cashflow allowance to do so or wont have enough product to fill the booth. With all the people who come here and games talked about why would it not be possible for someone to take all the games to a show and we divide the cost of the booth for how many games are submitted to take. Lets say we take 17 games for showing then each game spot costing 100 for the show. Thus if you had 4 then you pay 400?????

Now is there not a person from Chicago?
what about someone going to the show?
Why would everyone use discovergames for the show if it possible the members from the board could work together as a team to do the same thing????

Am I on glue or just a different planet with this thought????

Just thought it would save myself the 1000 for joining discover or the 1700 from the chicago show. In addition to this it would be possible to display more games for all of us here at less cost and all increasing exposure for our games.

Any thoughts????

This is a brainstormed idea and it may just have been a flashback from my younger years thus being a brainphart.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Who has a game ready???

Over in the far left column near the top of the page, choose "Designer Registry." Then choose "Illinois." There are quite a few other folks in the area that might be worth contacting directly.

Who has a game ready???

Thank you FastLearner.

Hopefully I can get a reply on this from someone from area. I will try to contact them. Just thought others may be interested in it as well even if not from area if we could get a group together to do it. Just a thought and I dont have too many good ones so I usually have to type them in or wirte them down or it is lost in space........

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