This is something that occurred to me last night as I was working on some ad copy. I came up with my answers, but I thought it would be interesting to hear yours... For you, what is the toughest part of the job of designing games?
Is it the graphics, rules, production, marketing, testing, managing the projects, balancing the game, choosing what game to focus on, getting published...? What's the area that you look at as the toughest, scariest, or just plain most unpleasant?
Is it the graphics, rules, production, marketing, testing, managing the projects, balancing the game, choosing what game to focus on, getting published...? What's the area that you look at as the toughest, scariest, or just plain most unpleasant?
Finding the time is the toughest part. Finding the time to sit down with some rules mechanics or theme and putting them together in a coherent manner. There is invariably something that comes up to pull me away from my creation right when I'm about to make progress. This leads to the subconscious association between creating games and being frustrated, I'm sure.
I've played lots of different games, and so have had exposure to lots of different mechanics and themes, lots of rules examples (good and bad), etc., so I don't find that part particularly difficult. One exception is possibly the part about polishing up an existing ruleset to be readable by someone other than myself. There is a lot of grunt work there that when I do it, I just want to get it over with. As a result, I tend to miss things. I have to remember to be patient, even though I'm "THIS CLOSE" to finishing.
Finally, graphics are not my strong suit. I have done some work in this area, but typically I don't tend to worry about it. I made the icons for my news game, but that was all the artwork I'll put into the prototype, for example. If the game gets picked up, someone competent will address the artwork concerns. :-)