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Incomplete java virtual table program.

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I created a virtual table program last year, and meant to continue developing it, but got distracted by a more important project. As of now, it allows you to place, move, copy, remove and lock images (pieces) on a virtual area. You can also save and restore states, undo some things, and do some other stuff.

In any case, I uploaded the code to Right click, select "save target/link as," and once downloaded rename it to a zip (the upload site only accepts jpg's).

The code should hopefully prove useful for anyone who wants to create a virtual tabletop program, if only to learn from my mistakes.

If you do end up using it, I'd be interested to know (especially as I use some of that code in other programs), so contact me at virtualtable.k.m1 a t

Joined: 12/31/1969
Incomplete java virtual table program.

It started fine for me.

Looks like a start, too bad you couldnt continue.

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