I have found in my work on other collaborative projects of this sort that it is essential that someone is designated as Project Leader. This position is basically one of moderation and final dispute arbitration. It is this person's vision that will be implemented. Of course that vision should be informed by group discussion, but the final word has to rest with someone.
Due to the pressing concerns of Real Life(TM) i can not volunteer myself. However, someone needs to step up and take charge... Who's it gonna be?
An interesting point, i will make a reply and if you still feel the same way i have not problem with complying. My specific point would be that someone needs to do what you just did, for everything regarding the project. This is Project Lead in the broadest sense. We need someone to say "Hey guys, don't worry about that stuff yet. We still need to figure this out first." Now it is entirely possible that this can be self moderated, but i have always found it to be much more effecient for one person to take up a position of authority in order to keep what could easily become a chaotic project from spinning totally out of control.