I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Knizia at kublaCon this weekend, and I had the further pleasure of playtesting a game he is working on. After the playtest, the other testers (including Reiner of course) and I discussed our thoughts on the game mechanics, etc.
Well, you all know me, the next day I had more clear thoughts on my comments and so I wrote them down and gave them to Dr Knizia (telling him of course that he could use or discard any of the information any way that strikes his fancy). Along with it I gave him a BGDF business card! :)
So if we're lucky, Reiner will check out the site, probably in disguise. And if we're REALLY lucky, maybe he'll like it enough to unmask and drop in from time to time.
In the meantime, this part is for Dr Knizia - in hopes that he has decided to check us out:
Dr Knizia,
I realized one of the things I wrote could be done in a much better way, and also I thought of a VERY thematic and elegant way to handle the triggers which I believe you were looking for. Unfortunately I do not have your e-mail address or any way to contact you, so if you read this please e-mail me and I'll tell you what I'm on about. My address is on the BGDF card as well as the note I gave you.
Thanks again!
Note, great care was taken to not reveal any information about the playtest... except that it occurred, which I don't believe is a secret; and that something triggers, which I don't think is mind bogglingly innovative in and of itself.