I've commented a few times here that I'm setting up a free webhosting service for game designers. It's ready to start trying out.
I'm offering 5 meg of storage and 50 meg of monthly data transfer, the domain name [yourname].indieboardgames.com, mySql/PHP, A pop3/webmail account [yourname]@indieboardgames.com, and a full-featured web-based control panel.
The domain is registered until January, so I'll only commit to offering the service until the end of the year. After that, it depends if there's enough interest. This hosting will be ad-free (for now at least). I'm also planning to make an index page at www.indieboardgames.com that will link to all the individual sites as well as provide content that supports the sub-sites.
If you want to register your own domain name, I can host that under the same terms, and you will have unlimited email accounts and subdomains available.
Some quick informal terms:
This service is intended for game designers to host content about their designs; either material about games in progress (such as posting rules or images to show people on bgdf), or complete games where you want to build a site to promote your games. No other use is allowed.
No material that is considered illegal in Canada, the United States, or the location you're in will be permitted.
No spamming of any sort.
Any ads you display should be for your own products, not paid 3rd party ads.
You'll include a link back to www.indieboardgames.com on your main page.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason or terminate service at any time.
This is a non-exclusive list of terms.
If you're interested in signing up, send me an email at "accounts at indieboardgames.com" with
your name, desired sub-domain name, and an email address to send your account info to.
For now, this is only open to bgdf members, so also include your bgdf username.
Oracle, thank you for providing this service. That is most generous of you. I have sent you an e-mail.