Hey all, I've spent the past few days working on a computerized prototype for my board game in Java, and am almost finished. I came up with a problem that had me tied down since yesterday, but I finally worked it out (if anyone here's a programmer, the problem arose from mixing up my pointers, and I fixed it by using cloning).
This little problem got me curious about how many of you have ever programmed, and have ever written a program to help you playtest an actual, physical board game. How well did this go for you? Did it help you with the board game itself?
Is this something you would be willing to develop further? If so, I'd love to support you in any way I can, however limited that may be.
I'll have to read up on it, but shooting from the hip here, I'd say I could contribute at least something. I've been programming games off and on for about six or seven years now (not that I show it! :P). It would definitely be great to contribute something the community feels is worthwhile. :D