Can anyone recommend a good web hosting company?
Also any advice on does and don't of creating a webpage would be GREATLY appreciated. I know that's kind of general, but, I've never made a webpage before. Just looking for a place to start.
(For example some specific questions might be:
What is some good freeware software for making webpages?
Are free domains really free?
Do I need subdomains?
You all see what I mean?)
I think if I could find a good host, most of my questions will be answered.
Thought this might also serve as a good depository for those html inclined to help those of us who are not. :)
Well that's a good question. At the moment I am in Guinea, West Africa. But I would like the webhost to be from America.
Learn how to use .css Stylesheets from the start. They will help you chaneg the look and layout of your pages really easily and save you a lot of hassles.
Try not to use frames if you can help it...
Try not to use tables if you can help it...
Learn how to use 'divs' from the start if you can, they are a great way to break up your page into areas, and combined with stylesheets, let you chaneg and edit your pages really really easily... There are some really good tutorials on the web
This is the kind of concise, no BS information I'm looking for!! CHEERS!
PLEASE point away!
What is it that makes you want your own site?
Yes I want my own site! It is part of project for my wife and me... and so that I can begin to build my billion dollar board game empire!
Thanks for such quick responses...and please if you can...keep the advice a coming.