spielbyweb.com is a site that allows PBEM-style play of German games, including one of my favorites, Wallenstein. Nestalawe are going to be playing a game, and we'd like to invite anyone here from the community to join us. To join the game, simply go to spielbyweb, register for an account, go to "games waiting to start", find the game BGDF, click join, and then give the password, which is "design". The game seats 3-5 players, and we'll start on, say, Thursday, or when we have 5 players, whichever comes first.
If you've never played the game before, this is a great way to learn! I recommend reading the rules first at the BGG entry, but other than that, jump in and learn as you go!
Isn't Antike published?
That's correct, but of course, as you'll see, the tower doesn't always behave probabalistically!
No, this is a shortcoming of the implementation. People have asked for this, but it hasn't been implemented.
Yes. Definitely don't try it; I suspect it would bounce both actions, or perhaps it would let you take whichever one came up first in the order.