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where to find graphics people

4 replies [Last post]

Hello to all, this is my first post in this great forum. Thanks to those who created it.

I am a game designer (as a hobby) and my question relate to the graphical aspect of a game. I am not an artist and I would like to know where to find people that make graphics (icons, banners, logos, board art..etc..)?

Thanks again for your help

The Inventif Blaireau

Joined: 12/31/1969
where to find graphics people

you could always try: The Artwork Topic


Emphyrio's picture
Joined: 02/10/2010
where to find graphics people

There are also various online galleries where you can browse lots of artists' work and contact them. For example,

If your game involves fantasy or SF themes, you could take a look at the annual Spectrum anthology, which lists contact info for the artists in the back of the book.

Joined: 12/31/1969
where to find graphics people

In the do it yourself category, I've been very happy with DoGA CGA for sci-fi media. DoGA is dirt simple to use. Imagine a virtual Lego or Technics studio where you have a bin of parts that you can color, rotate, stretch, or apply special effects to.

DoGA comes in three lessons L1, L2, & L3. L1 is freeware. L2 and L3 are shareware, but they're fully functional for still images and you only need to register it if you want to render movies. DoGA L3 also supports cell shading so you can actually make something that looks like a line drawing from a 3D model as well. Scroll down about 80% of the way on this page and you can see some examples.

You can find the downloads here:

where to find graphics people

Thanks a lot!!!! :) I am goint to look at all that!

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