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Favorite Cheapass game?

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I figure any gaming geek has a couple of these games in their closet. But which is your favorite. I have about 10 or 12 Cheapass games but my favorite has to be Spree! A nice little game about shoplifting in your local mall. Lots of backstabbing and running around, and all you need is a deck of cards and a few pawns.

Whats your favorite?

Yogurt's picture
Joined: 01/09/2009
Favorite Cheapass game?

Light Speed. A chaotic real time spaceship brawl. Designed by Tom Jolly, I believe.

The only downside is that it takes so long to score. In the future, we'll have little smart tiles to play games like these, and your toaster can add up the score for you.


Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Favorite Cheapass game?

"James Earnest's Totally Renamed Spy Game", which I have in the original and second editions - both before the renaming took effect.
Most CheapAss games are pretty fun once or twice (Witch Trial). Some aren't even fun once (US Patent #1). Several are fun lots of times (Lightspeed.)
"Before I Kill You, Mister Bond...", er, I mean the "Totally Renamed Spy Game" is in the once or twice category, but for me that's once or twice a year.

Joined: 06/22/2010
Favorite Cheapass game?

My favorite is probably Deadwood right now. It changes a lot.

I don't get much chance to play CA games because my game group is too snobbish about the build quality and most need at least 3 people.

Light Speed is good, but so tedious to score I've only played it a few times.

I had a chance to play James Earnst's Totally Renamed Spy game with James Earnst at a convention a while ago. My girlfriend won; she literally beat him at his own game :)

Favorite Cheapass game?

I almost picked up Lightspeed a week ago, but gave it the pass for some reason. Guess I will have to go back!

Joined: 08/04/2008
Favorite Cheapass game?

Button Men, by far, but several others are quite good.

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