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Paris, Paris

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Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008

This is the brand new game from Michael Schadt, designer of the wonderful "Web of Power" (Kardinal und Konig).

The premise is simple. The board shows a map of Paris, criss-crossed by five different coloured lines, each containing seven "stops" (with, I think, three stops unique to the line and four crossing the other lines.) The players build businesses at the various stops and try to maximise their returns from the fickle tourists.

Each turn some tiles marked with names of various stops are selected (using a simple random draw system) and each player chooses one stop to build a business on. There is a simple limitation to the number of businesses at a stop - basically, equal to the number of lines that stop serves. But if there are already the maximum number of businesses there, the player replaces an existing one with their own. This leads to some neat tactical play as you try to force your opponents to waste their turn in forced placements.
The key mechanism however, is that one of the randomly chosen stops will be left over after each player has chosen and built, and it is this one that is "scored" - a one point to any player who has a business on that location (or, if it empty, to players who own the nearest businesses to that stop.) This can make choosing tiles tricky if you don

Paris, Paris

Thanks for that review. I

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