About a week and a half ago I finally had the opportunity to play Princes of Florence for the first time. I had heard the name of the game, spoken with reverence among the ranks of Puerto Rico and the like, having won some award or other... In my situation (until recently) I was not in a position to get to try many board games at all, let alone a variety of them.
I recently happened upon a gold mine- a regular gaming group of people who enjoy a good strategy game. They meet every week, often twice a week, and since I've started joining them I've gotten to try many different games- some of which I'd heard of and some of which I hadn't.
In the case of Princes of Florence, I had heard of it, but when they started explaining the game I feared I wouldn't like it. It's a bidding game, which is in the end all about who was the most efficient with their money. I am terrible at bidding games and therefore figured that no matter how good the game was, I would probably be fine not playing it anymore.
I am happy to announce that not only did I find the game very fun and very good, but I also managed to score very well in my first game, coming in second, and even identifying a major mistake that could have made the difference between 2nd and 1st place.
A quick synopsis of the game (you can get a more detailed description from boardgamegeek):
There are 7 rounds, each of which begins with an auction, and ends with players taking 2 actions each. There are some items which you can get in the auction and there are others thatyou buy with actions. Finally you score points and/or income by "producing works", or playing cards which have a value based on the items you have purchased. Certain items add to the value of the work, and the minimum value to play the work increases from turn to turn. The value of the work is marked on the board and the player can choose how much of that value to take in $100 chips, and how much to trade in for Victory Points at a rate of 2 to 1 ($200 = 1 VP). This is where the main scoring in the game comes from. There is supplemental scoring for things like highest valued work in each round, 3vp for each building you buy, 3vp for getting a multiple of certain things you can get in the auction.
So the game boils down to who spent their money and produced works the most efficiently. The more efficient you are, the more VPs you can take per work because you need less income. The auction mechanic is interesting because each player will buy something at the auction, and it's up to the bidding to see how much they will pay. Only 1 of any given item can be bought each round.
There are exactly 7 rounds, and therefore exactly 7 auctions and exactly 7 things you can buy at the auction. You also get 2 actions a turn, for a total of 14 actions each game, to spend buying things and producing works.
Despite the fact that bidding for items is a MAJOR portion of this game, I found it very interesting. Last night I played it for the second time and ended up winning this time. I have not fully grasped different strategies yet, and I wasn't sure until the end that I was going to win.
I'd like to use this thread to discuss the play and strategies of Princes of Florence. Have youplayed it? What do you think of it? What do you like to buy in the first round or two? Or does it depend entirely on the Profession cards you start with?
Is this game 'solvable'? Is there a 'best strategy'?
- Seth
What I'm seeing in the auctions, and perhaps the key to the game, is that there's plenty of stuff to go around. Rarely should you need a particular thing so badly that you should have to pay through the nose for it.
This is where the one thing I don't like about the game comes in... the turn order effect. It sucks so bad to go first, and it is so good to go last, that I worry the game isn't well balanced. That said, I did win last night while playing first in a 4 player game, which means I went 1st twice and in the last round (which seems crucial) I went 3rd.
Ideally, to maximise your score you just buy everything for 200 at the auction. This may not work out perfectly depending on what other people do, but if you can manage then you've spent as little as you could and therefore can score more for works instead of taking income. This seems to go hand in hand with Sebastian's strategy of building up for the first half and then playing works, as it hardly matters what order you build up in, so long as you end up with the right Landscape(s) and Freedom(s) when the time comes.
I think it's definitely worth getting at least 1 builder before buying buildings, as saving the $400 seems really good. getting three is probably not worth it unless you are going to do some kind of 'builder strategy' which I suppose would involve buying 3 builders, lots of buildings, and 1 or 2 prestige cards (looking for 'most buildings' and 'least open space') I imagine you'd still purchase at least 1 freedom and at least one landscape (probably Park so it doesn't take up a lot of space) in order to do a few works, because even getting like 6 buildings plus the 2 extra builders only buys you 24 VPs, and you're not going to win with just that.
I keep thinking that a builder strategy like that would work because you could play nearly any Work, but the problem is you'd probably have to get Bonus cards to get the works over the limit. It's like I wantt hat to work, but whenever I see it it seems like it won't be any good.
What I did last night was basically play 1 work per turn, and take all or nearly all of the value in VPs. The reason I did that was because my opponents were taking most of their works in VPs and I didn't want to fall behind. By never paying more than $300 or $400 at auction I was able to get by with little income. I did not play a work on turn 1 because I was 'buiding up' like Sebastian suggests, but I was afraid to hold out much longer because I didn't want to have trouble meeting the limit.
I suppose if you get all the Freedoms and Landscapes you need, the right buildings, and extra Professions and maybe a jester you can easily meet the limit.
Maybe next game I'll try to get a Builder, Jester, and a Landscape or 2 in the first couple rounds of auction, buy 2 freedoms, 2 buildings, and 3 Professions before I start cashing them in... then in later auctions I could get a Recruiting card and another Jester and finally a Prestige (not necessarily in that order) and spend the remaining actions simply creating works, 1 on turn 4 and 2 per turn thereafter.
That would likely guarantee me the 'largest work' points for the last 3 rounds and like 7 to 9 VP per work (plus 6 for the buildings)... That's upwards of 60 points... with maybe 7 for a Prestige card and that's about what I got last night.
This is what I meant when I said maybe the game is 'solvable'...