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Tikal Strategy

3 replies [Last post]

Tikal just so happens to be my favorite game. Reiner Knizia once commented that he had no one favorite game, that he favored certain games depending on the group of friends he was playing with. Well, as things may be, my friends adore this game and are always brimming with enthusiasm when Tikal hits the game table.


Joined: 04/23/2013
Tikal Strategy

Just as a note, I moved this thread to the game reviews section because I think it was more suitable there.

And yes I have played Tikal, albeit only once. Your passion with the game makes me want to play again though.

By chance have you played Goldland? I have found that people who like Tikal usually like Goldland. Goldland has a bit less strategy, but I think it may appeal to you. Just curious, have you played Java or Torres? How do they compare to Tikal?


Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Tikal Strategy

And another example of how tastes differ. I loathe Tikal with a passion.
Not as much as I loathe Torres but more than I loathe Java and Mexica ;-)

Tikal Strategy

Darke, haven

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