Hi All ,
First I must say this site is very useful and great contributions by all . So thanks in advance. Just wondered if anyone had first hand knowledge of board game distributers in the US or Germany (I mean ones you would recommend !) ?
Many thanks Super-ape
Board game distributors US/Germany
Dsitributors themselves can be quite specialized - some only distribute card games, others family games, still others carry wargames and specialty items (like miniatures rules). So what sort of game do you have?
Games Quarterly Catalog (sort of an industry bible of what's in print and for sale) lists quite a few of the hobby and specialty distributors (along with printers, die-cutters, logo designers, etc.) in the back pages. You may want to order a copy from their website here:
This site promises to list both US and international distributors - only the US portion is up so far.
The distributors listed here are primarily distributors to hobby and toy stores - they are not the people that get you into Wal-Mart. Most list that they distribute boardgames though some do not.

Hi . MIne is a family game with an animal theme. Thanks