Hello everyone!! My name is Lori and this is my first time on this site.....I am in need of some ideas please!! My son has a project to do in school and I would like some ideas from the pros!!!! My son has to create a board game for his science class. The topic is--The Body's Systems--including digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, skeletal and muscular. If anyone can give me some ideas on this...please HELP!!!
Creating an elementary board game!!!
The obvious choice for such a game would be a simple trivia system that presents players with questions and multiple choice answers. When a person answers a question correctly, they move their pawn up a track towards a goal space, thereby declaring them the winner. Now you can do all kinds of stuff to spice this up; having players who get wrong answers move back a space for example.
I think this is the easiest method by far. Anything else would be far too time consuming for a class project.
Now you can do all kinds of stuff to spice this up; having players who get wrong answers move back a space for example.
Also more theme specific stuff, such as associating each question with a body part related to the question, with players aiming to collect complete sets representing main systems of the body, for bonus points or whatever. For example:
Brain (many different parts, frontal cortex, basal ganglia etc)
Skelleton (divide into as may key components as required)
Lymphatic system (has many important components, can't remember what they all are)
Respiratory system(lungs, trachea, red blood cells etc).
This has the advantage of being a very simple concept to grasp (basic set collection) at the same time as teaching about how the systems of the body are organised.
Players move along a track as suggested by Darkehorse and where they land defines which catagory they get a question from. Just like trivial pursuit, except you get body bits instead of pieces of pie.
Thank you so much for the ideas..the only thing is.....who is the winner?? The person who has the most body parts?? I'm stuck on that one!!!
I'd go for each body part giving one point, with a bonus if a player holds a complete set. When all the body parts have been given out, the game ends and the points are counted up.
You'd need to ensure that the body parts cards have duplicates for each card type, to ensure that sets can be successfully collected by more than one player. Or alternatively, special squares on the board could allow you to steal a body part card held by another player (perhaps after successfully answering a more advanced question). This last mechanicsm may be more complicated that you like though (but it would probably appeal to kids).
I'm also guessing that you could find a ready made body quiz very easily - just google for it and then convert the questions into cards - one one side is the question along with a symbol denoting which 'set' the card belongs to, and a number showing the bonus points scored for getting the whole set, and on the other the body part picture and the answer to the question.
To play the game shuffle these cards and place them 'question side up'. A player getting the question right keeps the card.
Once again...thank you so much!!!! Your ideas are awesome!!! I think I will take your advise and suggestions (if you don't mind) and create a wonderful game...I will let you know how it turns out!! If I have anymore questions....or if I get stuck on an issue...is it ok if I pm you for your input??? Lori
You're welcome, and I will respond to PMs about this :-)
When you have finished the first draft of the game, put the rules up here and I'm sure you'll get plenty of feedback. Best to get a few opinions.
Last words of advice - keep it simple. Don't try and use every idea I suggested if it doesn't fit or it would take too long to make the game. Be careful of introducing rules or mechanics which might unbalance the game and/or make the game take too long to play. And try and test it at least once with family or friends who don't know (or can pretend not to know) the answers to the questions.
Good luck!

Thank you for your idea...that is what I had in mind for the game...but I am stuck on the ending goal. The first person to reach....what???? is the winner?? The first person to reach the "Healthy Heart??"..I have also thought up a couple of ideas on cards like......you have passed fastly thru the digestive system..you are passed as gas go back three spaces. I don't know....something like that!!! I want to make the game entertaining as well as intellectual.