Does anyone know of a company, preferably in the UK, that can produce small runs (500-2000) of small custom plastic peices at a sensible price? The design is very simple and has been designed to extract easily from most types of plasic moulding or forming methods. The peices are approximatelly 25mm x 15mm x 15mm.
Small run plastic components
There's a couple miniatures companies in the UK/Europe that should be able to do it out of resin. I have no experience with these, but these are two names I've seen tossed about for resin casting on that side of the pond (most minis companies only deal with metal):
Historex (FR)
Historifigs (UK)
Are you actually producing custom components through them? What sort of overhead costs were there? Or are you just talking about stock components?
you may like to check out
thats who i use.
That URL does not exist but does exist.
// Johan
I am also a game developer ( just a one man band ) and have come up against this problem. I also have experience in and access to mould tooling . Give me an email if you like and we can go through you requirement to see if they might coincide with mine.
The tooling cost is the biggest cost at setup I believe.
Then it should be pennies after that for units.
Can you print good quality sharp print on resin?

Thanks for those I will take a look. To be honest the actual material they are made of is not that important at this stage as long as they are reasonably durable.