My games will arrive near the end of july. We did the Toy fair in NY and had many retailers interested but only one has ordered so far. Is it customary for retailers to place orders before the game is actually available to ship? Also, When should we begin the PR. Kinda concerned with timing. is now too soon since the games are more than a month away from availability?
where do I begin with sales
Sun, 06/11/2006 - 23:50
Mon, 06/12/2006 - 00:02
Check out Impressions:
They should be able to help you with a lot of your issues.
Mon, 06/12/2006 - 12:02
where do I begin with sales
That's a good link Dark! Thanks :) , it might become very helpfull in the future for me as well!
Mon, 06/12/2006 - 15:32
Yes, Impressions is a good idea
I've been working with Impressions for some time now. Not only do they get you into distribution, but Aldo is a lot of fun to work with.
To Tweety, my advice would be start selling now. If you get people who say "call me when they're in", make a note and call back. Put your marketing materials together and get going.
As for Press Releases, I'd wait until the games arrive. That's a clear "event" that you can use for a press release.
- Patrick Matthews
Live Oak Games

Thanks for the info. will look at Impressions.