Use this thread to comment on the entries for this month's showdown, "Love in the Air". Entries may be found here:
and another wonderful bunch of weirdness they are too.
Don't forget to vote for your favourite title as well as for the games themselves.
There are 9 entries this month - one additional entry that got lost during the hack attack is now present and correct.
note to self: don't agree to run this event in February again. The number of times I mistyped February started to get silly.
Important edit to this post
A couple of days ago, I got a delayed entry via the 'Geek. Now, the entrant knows that it was late; it all got tangled up with the horrible sitehack issues at around that time.
But I was willing to consider just tagging it onto the end of the list, as it was an entry, even though it should have been disqualified due to lateness (whoah - two potential d/q's in one month!)
However, there was a larger problem. The entry consisted of two graphic files. One was for board and pieces, but the other was the ruleset. Now, the rules of the contest are pretty firm on this: the entry shouldn't include links to external files. In this case, I could see how the files might have arrived as inset graphics, but not how they could have been displayed within the usual entry thread.*
I have now been rightly chastised by the entrant in question who noted that their original submission - trapped by the system - was indeed in a text version, and that he offered to send it again in that form to me. For various reasons, I didn't register this properly and all I recalled was that he'd linked two graphic files. So, in this case, it was entirely my fault that this went wrong. I want to assure the person in question that I didn't mean this posting to sound as though I was being particularly snide about their entry and I am sorry that it came across that way.
Thank you for your attention in this matter. Normal service will now be resumed.
(*however, I am willing to link to their graphics from the entry thread for those people who'd like to see it anyway.)