(Note: This Challenge has been completed.)
Game Design Showdown
June 2006 Challenge - "Growing Season"
Theme: Farming (crops and/or animals)
Genre: Territory Control
Mechanics Limitations:
- Land Use & Crop Rotation - The use of land is a very important issue with farmers. Game entries should somehow represent how land is being used, including the concept of "crop rotation" (the periodic changing of what a specific piece of land is being used for).
- Messing With Your Neighbor - Players should have a means to interfere with or make adjustments to other players' plans and/or progress.
End Date: 15-Jun-2006, Noon EST (approximately)
Voting: 15-Jun-2006 through 22-Jun-2006
This Challenge has been completed.
The voting results are posted after the list of entries, on page 2 of this thread.
To post critiques about the entries, use this thread:
For an Overview on the monthly Game Design Showdown and how it works, check out this thread:
Questions and comments about this specific Challenge, were in this thread:
Entry #1 - Fierce Farmers Fight For Farmland
by seo
(2-4 players)
Crop Rotation helps controlling diseases in the crops and building up the organic matter and soil nutrients that certain plants use. By following the Root-Legume-Leaf cycle, you’ll get the best performance from each gardening bed, spending a minimum on Nitrogen and Fertilizers. Ideally, every year (turn) the crops rotate in the same direction, helping to keep your soil makeup balanced. The concept is very simple!
But rival farmers are out there, looking for a chance to infest your crops, get an advantage, and hopefully steal some land from you.
Game end and winner
Game ends when the End of Game counter is drawn from the bag. Player controlling most gardening beds wins. Ties are solved based on amount of Water-reservoirs, then Gold.
6x6 square grid board
144 player token (36x4 colors)
144 Water (dark blue) token
144 Nitrogen (white) token
144 Fertilizer (black) token
Crop counters (Root, Legume, Leaf)
Bag with assorted set of counters (Vegetable requests, Crop seeds, Nitrogen and Fertilizer offerings, Water-reservoirs, Plagues, Pesticides, one End-of-Game)
Rain-deciding cards (one set with values –1, 0, 1 per player)
Crop Rotation

Each crop has different needs, and leave or take nutrients on the bed it is grown, as shown bellow:
If the ideal cycle is followed, no extra nutrients are required, only water.
Water, Nitrogen and Fertilizer markers are distributed on the board, according to the values on each gardening bed (cell).
Each player takes 10 gold, 1 Water-reservoir (value 10), and 5 random counters (to determine his starting crops, nutrients, pesticides, plagues; water-reservoirs and vegetable requests are returned to the bag).
Each reserves 5 beds (placing player markers): 4 for sow, 1 for the Water-reservoir.
End-of-Game counter is kept out of the bag for the first two years (turns).
Game Play
Turns represent one-year cycles, with several seasons:
1) Sowing
Each player seeds his beds placing one crop counter. Bed nutrients must match Crop needs. Nutrients can be added to the bed to achieve this. Player counters are removed from unsown beds. Players can then seed any free beds they have seeds for. Sown beds can be protected from plagues by placing Pesticides counters on them.
2) Growing
Players play their Plague counters against any rival crop matching the plague. The crop is lost.
Each player selects one Rain-deciding card to play, face down. All cards are played at a time, and values added to determine the amount of rain or draught (same for all beds). Water counters are then added or removed from each bed. Players can then irrigate the beds around their Water-reservoirs. Water-reservoirs produce as many Water tokens per turn as stated on the counter.
3) Harvesting
Sown beds: Crops in beds with the right amounts of nutrients and water are harvested and kept by the players for commerce, the rest is returned to the reserve and considered a failed crop. On both cases the nutrient and water tokens on the bed are left as indicated by the type of crop. Excess of water ruins the crop as much as lack of it.
Unsown beds: One counter of Nitrogen, Fertilizer and Water is added or removed per turn, until there are 2 of each (thus unused beds will tend to be ideal for root-crops).
4) Commerce
Each player receives 5 random counters from the bag (direct business), and 5 are drawn and placed face up on the table for the auction.
There are different counters:
Vegetable requests – State an amount of certain requested crop (4 leaf, 2 root, etc.) Offerings (Crop-seeds, Nitrogen, Fertilizer, Plagues, Pesticides) – State an amount of a offered product (3 root seeds, 2 units of Nitrogen, 1 unit of Pesticide for Legumes, etc.)
Direct BusinessWater-reservoirs – State the amount of water units the reservoir can provide per turn
End-of-Game – Determines the immediate end of the game
Vegetable requests can be fully or partially fulfilled, at 1 gold per crop sold. Counters are returned to the bag.
Offerings can be partially or fully accepted, at 1 gold per item acquired. The player receives the corresponding crop or nutrient tokens and return the counters to the bag. Plague and Pesticide counters are kept to be played during future sowing and growing seasons.
Water-reservoirs can be bought for 1 gold per unit water on reservoir. The reservoir is placed on any of the player’s current beds, and remains there until game-end.
[/]Vegetable requests: players bid to fully fulfil the requests. Lower bidder delivers the vegetables and receives the gold from the bank. Toss a coin to decide ties.
Offerings and Water-reservoirs: players bid to buy offerings in full. Higher bidder pays gold to the bank and receives the corresponding tokens or counters.