(Note: This Challenge has been completed.)
Game Design Showdown
May 2006 Challenge - "Secret Agent Man"
There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow
Theme: "High-Tech Espionage" ... "SpyTech" ... or "Secret Agents with Cool Toys"
Genre: Board or Card Game
Mechanics Limitations:
- Mr. Solo - There should be points in the game where a player will control the actions of a single individual agent.
- Mr. Everyone - There should be points in the game where a player will control the actions of (or decide an impact on) a group of agents.
- Mr. Unpredictable - The design of the entry should allow for different game scenarios with different goals ... and, ultimately, look to provide the clichéd "different game experience every time".
End Date: 18-May-2006, Noon EST (approximately)
Voting: 18-May-2006 through 25-May-2006
This Challenge has been completed.
Scroll down to the last post in this thread to see the results.
To post your public critique of the entries, please use this thread:
For an Overview on the monthly Game Design Showdown and how it works, check out this thread:
The questions/comments thread for this specific Challenge is here:
Entry #1 - StakeOut!
by TheReluctantGeneral
A game of negotiation, hidden information and shared pieces in which players try to discover the mission location, target and equipment needed, followed by arace to complete the mission.
-Pawns: 3xControllers, 6xAgents
-wooden stakeout markers, 24xHQ and 10xMission markers (marked A or B)
-alliance tokens
-24xTAG(Techniques, associates and gadgets) cards and 24xHQ cards
-44xmission cards (20xlocation,12xtarget,12xpreparation)
-Randomize the location of all the mission markers, control pawns and agents by rolling the D20.
-Shuffle the Mission Location/Target/Preparation decks and then draw cards from them placed face down in the locations marked on the board (see diagram).
-Distribute HQ cards and stakeout markers and turn over the first two TAG cards.
Turn Sequence
1-Exchange alliance markers
2-Players move their circular counters in the HQ (see HQ below).
3-As phase2, using square counters.
4-Resolve actions according to positions in HQ.
5-Discard unclaimed face up TAG cards and replace them.
A player is unlikely to be able to complete a mission solo. To form an alliance two players exchange alliance tokens allowing those players to combine forces to complete a mission. All alliance tokens are returned after a mission is completed or mis-declared.
The HQ

A player has two HQ markers each confering one action of a type defined by the track with Action Points (AP) defined by the numbered position on that track the marker occupies. Each HQ phase the players their HQ cards to simultaneously choose between:
-Move a marker up one point on the current track
-Swap marker positions with an opponent at a lower AP position on another track, or move marker to location 1 of an unoccupied track.
If a swap proves impossible due to prior marker movement the marker moves up one on the current track. Marker move order works from top-left to bottom-right of the HQ tracks. Players may never have two markers on one track. Having moved a maker a player may elect to take the action immediately and move his marker to zero, or pass and wait till next turn.
On turn one players may select any track regardless of occupancy.
Director Pawn
Moves along one connection for each AP, followed by deployment of one stakeout marker of player's color, per AP left after moving, on any adjoining connections not already having that players marker. Each connection has 3 numbered stake out locations. The marker is placed on the lowest free number or displaces a marker from the last location if none are free.
DeepThroat Pawn
Moves along one or more connections for an AP cost defined by the stakeout markers on the connections between the locations. The cost of moving along a connection is shown by:
-the stakeout location the player has a marker on
-or by the first unoccupied location if the player has no stakeout markers there.
If the pawn has 1+ AP left after moving the player looks at the face down mission card corresponding to the mission marker at that location then places one of his stakeout markers on that mission card (see diagram).
Surveillance Pawn
Moves like Deep Throat. If the pawn reaches the same location as an agent with 1+ AP remaining then the player may look at one face down mission card known to that agent (known cards will have a stakeout marker the same color as the agent on them).
The Agent
1 per player, not shared.
Either: Moves like DeepThroat, followed by removal of one enemy stakeout marker from an adjoining connection for each AP left after movement, starting with the marker in the highest stakeout location.
Or: Select one of the face up TAG cards and place it face up in front of him.
Completing Missions
A mission may be attempted when the attempting player has his agent pawn at the location specified on the mission location card (which must have a stakeout marker of the players color on it).
-The attempting agent may be allied with other agents holding alliance token(s) belonging to the attempting agent and must between them have a stakeout marker on the mission target card AND possess three TAG cards which match the mission prep cards.
-All the face down mission cards are examined by the attempting player. If the conditions are met the cards are turned over and VPs are scored otherwise the declaring player is frozen out until the next mission begins.
-The Mission Target Card specifies VP for the mission which are shared out between the successful player and allies. Allies gain one VP per alliance marker they hold and the successful player gets the rest otherwise play continues until a successful attempt is made.
NOTE: No player may look at any mission B cards until mission A is completed successfully.