Do you think adventure gamebooks are dead or could a determined indivdual (that's me) bring them back to life?
Having already written several FF style books I know I could do a good job in creating a lone-wolf type series based in my fully constructed fantasy world. Only one problem - would anyone actually want them?
All replies read and answered. Many thanks.
Thanks for all your replies.
I'm really looking for something to do at the weekends as the rest of my spare time is taken up with my CCG and I thought this might be a fun project - I mean people still read fantasy books don't they?
Please tell me I'm not the only one reading fantasy books. I think I'll give it a go by writing the first book in the series (using my own rules system)and then constructing a website where people and can visit the world it's based in. Even if sales are low people might enjoy using the world I've created for there d20 adventures and my imagination will be out there for all to see.
Anyone else remember the good old days of adventure gamebook?.