Thread moved, so sorry about the loss of attributions... hope the quoting works too!
How about instead of breaking the tie, just deal with it. I.E. instead of trying some half-baked idea of breaking ties, just assign a consequence to a tie. For example, in a hidden bidding game, suppose two people bid the same for something. The consequence could be that neither get the item (I.E. the bids cancel each other out). This is particularly nasty if the item goes to the next highest bidder. For example, two people bid 10, one person bids 1. The person who bid 1 gets the item b/c the two 10s cancel each other out. This is particularly devastating if the item is highly valuable (as in this case, the person got the item for only 1). I think systems where the tie is dealt with
Are there any games that incorporate both open and blind bidding (perhaps in different phases)?