Are there any combat systems in existence, using dice, where there is NO attacker and NO defender, therefore also eliminating the sacred *morale* factor as a by product?
I can't come up with any off hand (well, ok, its more than off hand, I've researched and can't find even one)
I dont want to be guilty of the ultimate BGDF sin and think I came up with a unique concept of course... It just seems every dice vs. dice combat system I have uncovered has an attacker and a defender, with players taking turns as each.
and to clarify, I am not referring to a roll simultaneously and compare the highest result, I mean a simultaneous system where attacks and defends are scored/resolved by players at the same time on the same roll.
Interesting concept, and the 6's as blocks 1-5's as hits is in the same hemisphere as what I'm toying with I suppose... but my little project is a bit more head to head.
What I am toying with is customized dice with various hits and blocks (if you will)
No one is an attacker and no one is a defender, its not one players turn while the other player waits for his turn... it's simultaneous... you just roll and allocate what you scored as you see fit against the opponent.
I dont think its been done, so I'm getting all geeked up about it (sad isn't it)
Some of the initial problems are things like:
1)multi-player.... yikes... 4 people rolling at the same time... who compares what to who and so on....
2)re-roll power. this is a good one... if two players each roll a re-roll power simultaneously (remember there is no designated *attacker* or *defender* or *my turn* *your turn*)... it becomes sticky, because player A would base his desire to re-roll a certain one of his scores on if Player B re-rolls a certain one of his scores.
getting there though...
fun fun fun.
Again, also still wondering if there is any *published* game where dice results are compared simultaneously with players attacking and defending in the same hand.