Working with my "Chariots of War" board game, I thought of writing a rough and dirty program to go ahead play test certain features of the game under certain circumstances. For example, given two chariots with X amount of energy with a max speed of Y with a given strategy Z, who will win the most times? How many ties will there be?
By running the scenario thousands of times, I can get a feel for whether the game is properly balanced or not (does the ramming produce enough damage, is the skidding working properly). As my game has the random element of dice rolls, I can statistically get a feel whether a rule is working or not.
Has anyone else gone this route? I know quite a few of you guys are programmers.
The idea is iterating 1000s of times over a scenario to see the results of the game rules. From it I think you can glean some good information. While it may not help in all areas of playtesting, it can help in maybe balancing some elements properly.
That's a great idea, and would help a lot when playtesting certain mechanics rather than an entire game (few non-game designers would be willing to playtest a mechanic, let alone a protoype from my experience which is quite limited, but hey)