I have for the first time got people to blindtest my game. They have to read the rules and figure it out without any help from me.
There are a couple of things i would like them to playtest. The problem is that for them to do so they would have to play it several times.
After playing the game once you cant really say that you have tested it.
You cant on the other hand ask them to play it five times, i mean its kind to just play it once or twice!
you are right Seth!
I want the playtesters to play the game as much as possible but since they have other things to care about (children etc), how am i going to get it playtested properly?
I want them to test a few variations but then you have to play it several times, how am i going to get them motivated to do that?
The questions is stupid, and thats why i only wrote how i felt about playtesting. I thought playtesting was something that was fun, but i start to think that it is just frustrating if you havent got lots of people that
could help you with it. As a matter of fact i have had people to help me but it would me different if they were as devoted as i am.
The reason why there are people that could work with game design is spelled "help with playtesting" ;D