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Costs of Printing a full-colour board

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Joined: 12/31/1969

hi there,

as part of a uni project, we've got to design and cost a compelte board game.

the design part has been done, and i'm awaiting a full spec quote from delano, but its unlikely i'll get it in time! arg! i'm instead having to cost the bits individually.

basically the only parts im not sure about are the price for cards (580 in total with colour backings) and the board itself 2'x3' full colour.

what are the likely costs/unit for a board if the initial run is 10 000?

if anyone could give me some info asap it would be appreciated, as i'm reeeeeally pressed for time right now

thanks again


Joined: 12/31/1969
Costs of Printing a full-colour board

sorry, its a 1'x2' box



Joined: 12/31/1969
Costs of Printing a full-colour board

Look in the link box to the left of the screen. Click on the Web Resources button and then click on the Professional Services link that pops up in the center of the screen. That should provide a few links which you can use.[/u]

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