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Custom plastic pieces

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We're trying to find or produce some plastic game pieces to our new game "King of Chicago" - - The pieces are 1920ies gangster cars in 6 different colours for each game. We are planning to produce 500-1000 games - so that means from 3-6000 cars. The size is 19mm x 9mm - Does anyone have experience in getting their own custom parts produced ?
Which companies can help us? and what is an estimated price?



Joined: 12/31/1969
Custom plastic pieces

I don't know about custom pieces, but Dice & Games has these limousines:

Getting prefab pieces will certainly be much cheaper than getting custom made pieces, especially for a print run of 500-1000, but are these cars 1920s enough for you?

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Custom plastic pieces

They look 1940sh to me.


Gangster cars

Since the whole game is set in 1920ies Chicago it would be great if we could find the right cars... or else we will have to produce them ourselves... of course if the price is too outrageous we will have to make compromises...
But thanx for the response


Joined: 12/31/1969
Custom plastic pieces

As Zaiga said, that print size is going to be difficult to have produced (so is your printed material, for that matter, if you haven't looked into it yet). It's too large to be economical for a lot of hand processes, but too small for injection molding.

If you search, there's some threads on here about resin casting and injection molding that include numbers/quotes myself and others have come up with.

Basically, an injection mold (the way the stuff in that pic zaiga put up is produced), runs on the order of $10K for setup. I forget about how much per piece, but it's near nothing.

Semi-automated hand casting in resin runs about $.40 a piece for slightly larger pieces (more or less including setup costs), but there's not a lot of people who'll do it. Semi-auto hand casting in metal runs $.25--.3, again for slightly larger pieces, and you can find a lot of people to do it. That's probably still fairly pricey to meet reasonable margins, in my opinion. Another downside is that you'd have to paint the pieces or do something else (e.g. different sculpts) to differentiate them for different players, if that matters.

- joe

Joined: 11/26/2011
Custom plastic pieces

Just recommended pony beads to another designer.

Here's the link I gave him:


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