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die cut squares and hexes??

4 replies [Last post]

Lots of you are familiar with the games Carcassonne, La Citta, Settlers... The commonality between them is thick board tiles. Carcassonne

Joined: 04/23/2013
die cut squares and hexes??

Well, the cheapest thing to do would be to have the pieces made for you. This doesn

die cut squares and hexes??

I was hoping that I could get cardboard tiles in bulk because I could use them for many designs. I guess the cheapest solution I

Joined: 12/31/1969
die cut squares and hexes??

Did you see that thread?

The company mentioned have what you need right on the Counter page although I must say I find the prices to be quite high...

Joined: 12/31/1969
die cut squares and hexes??

I thought the prices were "ok," though far from good. Still, that would seem like a pretty easy way to go, anyway.

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