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Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

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Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

hello my name is christopher with Daedalus games. We offer graphics services. Artists prices vary, on a lot of factors. A good fair rate is 50/hr. A typical game costs between 1500-2500
for a board box front back and sides. What you should get out of this is production ready art, a professional artist who knows how to design according to the printing methods, and standards

Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

Ok, I'm new here so I'm responding to all this late.

Does anyone know what would be a ballpark cost for design of the board box, board and a set of cards, let's say 50 unique cards?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

Just to give you an idea, I'm having my board created by a professional artist and it will cost $1,000. However, I personally think that is a great price because he will sketch out several different views and spend quite a bit of time working with me to produce the best board. In some ways, I think it's almost too cheap of a price, because overall he expects the process to take about one month. Afterwards, I also have a very cool piece of artwork that we plan on hanging in the house. Hopefully the game will go farther than that though ...

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

eyecandy wrote:
Ok, I'm new here so I'm responding to all this late.

Does anyone know what would be a ballpark cost for design of the board box, board and a set of cards, let's say 50 unique cards?

Though the price varies, at GenCON this past week I made contacts with about 5-7 artists. Most of them had a price range of $25-$60 for card sized images.

Cover art was a bit different, at least $300(with a % royalty) all the way up to $3500.

Keep in mind art cost varies, since you/artist can toss in royalties options, and purchasing the rights(or not) to the artwork alters cost.

If I had to guess a cost of box, board and cards as you stated, $4k-$5k.

Not sure this helps much,

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Graphics Designer/ Artist fees?

I forgot to mention that color also alters the cost, depending on the need for black&white, monochrome or full color images. So depending on your color needs can reduce/increase your cost.

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