I've been working on designing a game and I have two questions:
1) What is the smallest board fold that is possible? The game has a 9 x 9 inch board with no fold. If I do a single fold it will be 9 x 4 1/2 and if I do a quad fold then it will get down to 4 1/2 x 4 1/2. Is it possible to fold the board down this small or is their some law of physics that comes into play? A smaller folded board means a smaller box and lower cost.
2) Will the savings that I get with a smaller box be cancelled out by a higher cost of producing the board? Will the cost of folding and pasting the pieces of the board together be that much extra?
Thanks for the links for the board production. I understand the perceived value argument that is being raised. I guess I could price it lower since my costs would be lower with a smaller box.