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Adult Party Games

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Hi, I

Joined: 11/26/2011
Adult Party Games

My first question is how did you get just 40 "professional" copies of the game?

Second, producing a game yourself can be costly and without the right representation you won

Adult Party Games

Rosko - you should check out The Game Inventors Guidebook, by Brian Tinsman, it might be helpfull.

Adult Party Games

I forked out for the forty copies and got it done at a local printers just so that I have something solid to show to any relevant interested parties. It does look great but the packaging is missing - its just 40 decks of 63 small 300 gsm cards. The thing is, I have spoken to a representative of a locally based company that gets games made up in India, ships them over and distributes them to outlets around the country. I havent yet showed them the final cut of the game as I

Adult Party Games


Adult Party Games


Joined: 12/31/1969
Adult Party Games

One reason to use a distributor or an agent is because the retailers may not be willing to work with you. If you

Adult Party Games

There are two different issues here. If you are looking to have the game picked up then an agent is someone who has their toe in the door with the big games production companies. A lot of these companies will not even take your calls (Although I am told you might get to talk to them through the TGIF or some of the other trade shows)

If you have already made the game then you will find some stores will not buy from you. They insist on buying through a distributor (for the reasons fastlearner outlined). Some will of course, but most of those are small shops that want ot buy two or three copies of any game.


Adult Party Games

Cheers guys. I think i

Adult Party Games

One other thing. What can you seriously expect to earn from a project like this. I

Joined: 11/26/2011
Adult Party Games

1. Agents charge around 60%. That means that of the money that would go to you, more than half goes to your agent.

2. Making a living off of game invention is like making a living off gambling, you can do it, but don

Adult Party Games

Right, well this was a post I left many many moons ago and i found it because I was messing around on the net and I typed my name to see what it would bring up (yes, we've all done it) and i felt compelled to let anyone who cares know what has happened to my games designing world over the past few months... The bottom line is that my game that ive been harping on about is officially released this Summer (UK Summer - so June/July)... I didnt get an agent who would take "60% of my earnings" I felt no need for a lawyer/solicitor. I did it all off my own back. I initially pitched a big company over the phone in a professional manner, a way that bluffed my complete professionalism and had them very interested in my project, set up a meeting and had them sign confidentiality agreements. I had previously approached "The Prince's Trust" a charity organisation for small businesses/projects/ideas and had them donate £500 to my cause (yes it is completely possible!) and had made up some demo versions... Anyhow, ii took these to the company and sold them the game. We discussed contracts and came to an agreement of 5% royalties (everyone had been telling me not to expect over 2%) and had the contract checked over by a good friend who reviews contracts for a living (cutting out the lawyer) he insisted on a couple of extra clauses, i took it back and we made another one up that we were all happy with, signed it, and away we went.... At the moment the company is in Japan pushing their new range of products (including my game - woohoo) and it will be launched in the Summer... My point being, I did a lot of research by speaking to people who were very "ooh, its the hardest thing in the world to do" or "you wont get anything out of it" etc etc... I just want budding designers out there to know, if you take control of the situation, it can work - games exist only because of ideas and anyone can have idea... Errm, ok, I'll get off my soap box now. :lol:

Joined: 12/31/1969
Adult Party Games


any time any of us are able to get somewhere even close to selling things it's cause for handshakes and such...


Adult Party Games

Another congratulation from me. That’s quite the accomplishment, May your game sweep the market and become the next "big thing". Now if only the company holding one of my games would get back to me.

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